Footbag Club Listing

Footbag Club Listing


Wesley Fox

Cheyenne, WY, USA
Phone: 307-761-2129

High Altitude Hacky Hangtime & Punning Society

Laramie, Wyoming, USA
Related Members:
2 members
Lists all members who have chosen this club in their profile; members may not be formal contacts for club. Please use contacts to the right to contact the club.
We play what can be described as "go for it" hack. If it is within the realm of human possibility (or slightly beyond)to kick it, it must be pursued. We enjoy kicks which go high and involve a lot of hang time. Scoops are a favorite trick- by 'scoop' I mean picking it up on the bounce and keeping it in play. We play with hard footbags like the Juice or the less firmly packed Kanga. That was Zen, this is now. There are 4 regular participants and 2 or 3 irregulars. New people are welcome. Call (307)761-2129 for more info.

Kicking Times and Locations

In good weather we usually play at Washington Park in Laramie from 9:00-11:30 Sunday mornings. Sometimes we play in Cheyenne at the east end of Holliday Park.
During cold weather we play at the Civic Center north gym in Laramie, which we usually have to ourselves. We have been known to rent a racquetball court at the YMCA in Cheyenne.

For More Information:

High Altitude Hacky Hangtime & Punning Society has its own home page on the World-Wide Web, where you can find more detailed information. Click here to go to the club's home page.
Created Tue Jul 27 17:48:39 2010; last update Thu Nov 25 19:53:46 2021.
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