Footbag Club Listing

Footbag Club Listing


Peter Aaron Bowler

Boston, MA, USA

Boston Shred Crew

Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Related Members:
10 members
Lists all members who have chosen this club in their profile; members may not be formal contacts for club. Please use contacts to the right to contact the club.
Greets- you have stumbled upon the official club listing for the Boston Shred Crew(BSC). There really isnt any other freestyle club in Boston, and we're probably the biggest/most active in MA. So dont bother contacting any of the other listed clubs. We kick at least once a week, on saturdays at 1:00 at Northeastern University near Fenway. We have indoor locations to kick, outdoor locations to kick, several dv cameras for taking footage, a pimpin boombox, plenty of bags to kick on, and about 4-7 regular members that show up at least once a week. we also play randomly during the week. If you live in or are visiting Boston in the near future, and want to get better at keeping the bag off the ground, or are just looking for someone to kick with, or if you like run-on sentences, definitely feel free to contact me via email or my listed cell phone number.

Kicking Times and Locations

Saturdays, 1:00 PM at Northeastern University (close to the Northeastern stop
on the green line and Ruggles on the orange line), and random times and places
during the week.

For More Information:

Boston Shred Crew has its own home page on the World-Wide Web, where you can find more detailed information. Click here to go to the club's home page.
Created Thu Oct 26 07:40:52 2006; last update Sun Nov 25 09:17:18 2007.
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