Footbag Club Listing

Footbag Club Listing


Matthew A. Johns

Nashville, TN, USA

Nashville Kicks

Nashville, Tennessee, USA
Related Members:
18 members
Lists all members who have chosen this club in their profile; members may not be formal contacts for club. Please use contacts to the right to contact the club.
We started back in '02 at Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU) when everyone was shredding. In 2005 the freestyle scene died, so we switched gears & started playing net. In 2010 the net scene was also on its last leg. What did we do? We found the nearest buddhist temple & picked up a takraw ball. Nashville has sizeable Laotian & Burmese communities that almost play takraw on a daily basis here. You can check out our facebook page at Nashville Kicks.

Kicking Times and Locations

TAKRAW: Everyday 5-7 P.M (March - October)

TAKRAW LOCATION: Murfreesboro, TN at Wat Buddharam Temple. That's 5214 
Old Nasville Hwy. The court is behind the theater (30 mi. SE Nashville).

For More Information:

Nashville Kicks has its own home page on the World-Wide Web, where you can find more detailed information. Click here to go to the club's home page.
Created Sun Feb 16 11:18:25 2003; last update Thu Jul 12 13:48:32 2012.
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