21st Annual Moonin' & Noonin' Beaver Open

Event Listing

21st Annual Moonin' & Noonin' Beaver Open


Paul David Vorvick

Alias: Vorvick@footbag.org
Phone: 503-740-9022
Tigard, OR
September 1-3, 2001  (concluded)
Willamette Mission State Park
Near Salem, Oregon, USA
Events Offered:
Draw Partners Net, Freestyle Jam, Day/Night Golf
Event Details:
The 21st Annual Moonin / Noonin Beaver Open
(The World’s Longest Running Footbag Tournament)


Labor Day Weekend – Saturday, September 1st through Monday, 
September 3rd.

For added fun and relaxation, plan to arrive early. We’ve reserved the 
park for Thursday and Friday (August 30, 31).

Willamette Mission State Park  - 
7 miles north of Salem. Take the Brookes Exit off I-5
Head west until the road T’s at Wheatland Ferry Road
Turn right and follow the signs to the Park.

How Much:	
Adults $60.00
Ages 6 – 13 $15.00
5 years and younger free but with no t-shirt unless ordered separately. 

Per Night Fee:
$20.00 – Does not include shirt

Pre-registration is strongly but pleasantly requested!

Your Pre-registration allows us to plan appropriate amounts of food and 
beverages for your camping pleasure.

Pre-entry includes:
T-shirt, beverages, daylight energy breakfast of muffins, fruit and coffee, 
campfire munchies, and meals as noted below…

Saturday Dinner:
Pasta Night!! Beaver Open provides pasta, sauces, and french bread. 
NOTE: Potluck salad buffet: please bring a salad of your choice.

Sunday Dinner: 
BBQ Night! Beaver Open provides baked potatoes, corn on the cob, 
french bread and the fixins. 
NOTE: Please bring your own meat for the grill.

Gentlemen’s /Gentlewomen’s games include: 
Draw Partner Net, Freestyle Energy Circle, Footbag Golf (day and glow), 
Cribbage, Bizz-Buzz, Juggle-Golf and more!!

Other Ideas of Things to Bring: bubbles, twiddle sticks, pass the pigs, 
juggle balls and pins, Beaver memorabilia, musical instruments, drums, 
bota bags, whimsical doodads, wind toys, citronella candles, lanterns, old 
photos, beaver wood carving tools, frisbees and other flying objects, 
cameras, gaudy lawn ornaments, etc...

Ideas for this year’s event include: 
*Children’s Parade (kids may want to plan to bring costumes, etc. to 
*Brew Ha Ha (beer brewing contest by our own Beaver family’s best)
*Footbag Golf-Adopt-a-Hole (anyone wanting to decorate a golf hole 
can “adopt” it and decorate it for day and/or night use – NO
fee this year!  
*Kid’s campfire sing along (w/ s’mores)
*Better organized adult sing along

NOTE:  If you are interested in participating, organizing and/or 
implementing any of these ideas or you have other ideas of your own 
please contact us by phone or e-mail ASAP.

**Remember to plan your act for the “We Love Annie” Not so Late Variety 

21st Annual Hall of Famer: Jeannette Woodhall!


Please send in your entries to address provided no later than August 
15th. If you plan to attend but cannot pre-enter, please call and make 
arrangements by the 15th as well. 
Created Thursday, July 19th, 2001, 03:47pm (PDT); last update Thursday, July 19th, 2001, 03:47pm (PDT).
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