Midwest Regional Footbag Net Championships

Event Listing

Midwest Regional Footbag Net Championships


Scott Davidson

Alias: enlightener@footbag.org
Phone: Email for current #
Willow Springs, IL
June 9-10, 2001  (concluded)
Lions Park
Mt. Prospect, Illinois, USA
Events Offered:
Singles Net , Doubles Net, Mixed Doubles Net, Pro/Am 
if time allows, ..........Golf (36 holes), ..........Consecutives, 
..........Freestyle Shred Contest (counts towards 
Summer Freestyle 
Series" points)
Event Details:
NEW!!! Directions to Lions Park

The site is just off the wave pool at Lions Park.  The park is about 2 
blocks southeast of the intersection of 83 (elmhurst road) and 
Northwest Highway (rt. 12).

From the intersection of Golf Road and Elmhurst Road (83),  go north to 
where the street jogs to the right (becomes Lincoln for a block), then 
keep going east (elmhurst road cuts north right away) on Lincoln three 
blocks and turn right around the park until you see us.  Pretty simple.

Just a side note... since the bulk of our local net players decided that 
their little secret camping trip was more important than regionals, we 
are considering converting this event to an event called a "Kicknick".  We 
will still be out there all day Saturday and Sunday from 11:00 on, and 
having a blast, but entry fees will be less, and there will be more 
emphasis on the needs of the intermediate and novice players.

We are about to announce another net event in conjunction with Mayors 
Cup Soccer Tourney this summer so watch for it soon (July 21 and 22 

This year we have split "Regionals" into two distinctly separate 
events... NET and FREESTYLE.  After all, they both require completely 
differing site requirements, so why be good to one group and not the 
other?  Never again.  We are focusing this event on the Footbag Net 
event!  Did you hear that?  NET is the featured event, and all eles 
is secondary!  Net requires a big open field of green grass, where 
the ideal freestyle site is concrete or indoor wood flooring, with 
good man-made lighting and control over "outdoor" factors like wind 
and temperature.  We have a great big field of green grass for the 
net players, and even a nice bandshell for the freestylers to jam in 
off to the side (until the tuba players take over on Sunday at 3:00). 
Out of towners are welcome to stay at our house, or other free host 

Divisions and Entry Fees: 
Novice - FREE 
Intermediate - $10 
Open - $25 
Womens - $10 

10:00 On-Site Registration 
11:00 Players Meeting 
11:30 Consecs 
12:30 Singles Net (up to finals) 
4:30   Freestyle Shred Contest - Bandshell 
5:00   FB Golf (front 18) 
8:00   Players (and Valeria's Birthday) Party at a house near the 
site.  Free dinner for players.  Please RSVP 

10:00 2nd Round Golf 
12:00 Doubles Net 
3:00   Singles Net Final 
4:00   Doubles Net Final 
5:00   Awards 
Created Wednesday, May 23rd, 2001, 11:09pm (PDT); last update Friday, June 8th, 2001, 07:09am (PDT).
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