Tournament Results



Jonathan Asher Schneider

Phone: 908-872-6707
Bridgewater, NJ
February 25, 2001  (concluded)
Toadstool Playhouse
Boulder, Colorado, USA
Host Club:
Events Offered:
Two rounds of 45 second shred.

Manually Entered Results

Intermediate Shred (Raw ADDs only)
13.Eric Bengtson  ---  32
12. Tim Werner      ---  36
11. Adrian Garcia   ---  48
10. Mike Wilson     ---   50
9.  Sunny Freeman --- 55
8.  Dan Klokow       ---  69
7. Eric Reile            ---  74
      === tie ===
7. Shannon Anderson--74
6. Malik Berger      ---  75
5. Landon "Tricks" Chappell -- 85
4. Sam "Coldcut" Colclough -- 91
3. Kavin Thiffault                      -- 93
2. Jeremy Benton                    -- 98
1. Samuel Jobin                      -- 99

Open Freestyle  (not all the results are in yet)

                        ADDs   Contact  Unique X Ratio =  Bonus  == Total Score
12.Yacine M.    113        40        18        2.825        50.85        163.85
11.Toby R.        125        44        15        2.84          42.6           167.6
10.Daryl G.        120        43       20        2.791        55.82        175.82
9. Scott D.         130        46        20        2.826        56.52        186.52
8. Rippin'          133        47        21        2.83          59.43        192.43
7. Chad D.        131        43        21        3.047       63.987       194.987
6. Dave H.         149        46        18        3.239       58.302      207.302
5. Peter I.           156        48        17        3.25         55.25         211.25
4. E. Wulff          152        46        24        3.304       79.296       231.296
3. Sunil J.           158        50        24        3.16         75.84         233.84
2. Ahren G.         158        48        27        3.292       88.884      246.884
1.Lon Smith       156        47        31        3.319      102.889    258.889

The Shred Symposium is going to be awesome!
Event Details:
The Best Western Golden Buff Lodge is the host hotel.  They have 
rooms for us for $59 for singles and $69 for double rooms, breakfast 
included.  The hotel is easy walking distance to the site and anything 
else you will need in Boulder.  The number is (303)-442-7450, just 
mention the Colorado Shred Symposium.  

There is no more floor space available for the Shred Symposium.  Sorry.  
If you need a place to stay, I encourage you to please get in touch with 
the host hotel ASAP.  

To get to Boulder from Denver International Airport by bus is easy.  Ask 
where to find the RTD Bus.  RTD is the Denver/Boulder area bus 
system.  Take the AB bus to Boulder.  There is a bus every hour.  It costs 
eight dollars ($8) and you need EXACT CHANGE.  The trip takes a little 
over an hour, and the Boulder main bus station is the very last stop.  
From there we should be able to give you a ride to the host hotel, etc., 
just call me at 303-448-0183,  Ethan "Red Shred" Husted at 
720-562-0144, or Ernest Crvich at 720-562-0469

Need driving 
Created Sunday, November 19th, 2000, 05:27pm (PST); last update Thursday, March 1st, 2001, 05:34pm (PST).
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