East Coast Footbag Championships

Tournament Results

East Coast Footbag Championships


Jeff Bowling

Alias: shtataff@footbag.org
Alexandria, VA
April 29-30, 2000  (concluded)
University of Maryland campus
College Park, Maryland, USA
Host Club:
Events Offered:
NET :   

FREESTYLE: routine(OPEN, INTERMEDIATE and NOVICE), phat trick and shred

GOLF: golf shred, cross country golf -YEAH RIGHT-just golf (OPEN and INTERMEDIATE) CONSECUTIVES: Garrett's World Record Attempt

Manually Entered Results

1. Mike Huarca (MD - University of Maryland Footbag Club)
2. Nino Almazon (VA)

1. Scott Bevier (PA)
2. Mel Schneider (MA)
3. Chris Ryan (MD from AL)

1. Peter Irish (MD)
2. Josh Penney (NY - New York Footbag Association)
3. Sebastien Duschenes (Montreal, Quebec)

1. Jeremy Walters (PA - Team Net Wrecker)
2. Jack Lentz (PA)

1. Steve Smith (IL)
2. Jamie Lepley (PA - Team Net Wrecker)
3. Garth Smith (PA - Team Net Wrecker)

1. Dan Kramer (NY - New York Footbag Association)
2. Lovell McIlwain (MD - DC All-Stars)
3. Jack Lentz (PA)

1. Manu Bouchard - 6 years in a row!! (Montreal, Quebec - AQAF)
2. Steve Smith (IL)
3. Yves Archambault (Montreal, Quebec - AQAF)

1. Kevin "McFly" Brackens/Jeremy Walters (VA - DC All-Stars / PA - Team Net
2. Amy Noller/Dan Kramer (NJ / NY)

1. Manu Bouchard/Yves Archambault (Montreal, Quebec - AQAF)
2. Amy Westberg/Rob Adams (AZ)
3. Steve Smith/Jason Langis (IL / MD - DC All-Stars)

This year's East Coast Footbag Championships, presented by the University of Maryland Footbag Club and the D.C. All-Stars, will be held on the weekend of April 29th and 30th at the University of Maryland in College Park, MD.
April 29th (Saturday) is 'Maryland Day' at the University of Maryland, which attracted 50,000 visitors from off campus last year. This year, the East Coast Footbag Championships will be one of the featured events!

More details forthcoming...
Event Details:
Schedule of Events: 

Friday April 28th, 5pm-10pm Registration at Comfort Inn, College Park MD 9020 Baltimore Blvd. College Park, MD 20740 Phone: (301) 441-8110 The specific room will be registered in the name of Vince Bradley. All players must report in if they have not already sent registration and arranged for their players package to be picked up in their absence. Lunch orders for Saturday delivery from Alarios Italian Pizzeria and Restaurant will be taken. Saturday April 29th- ( eric wulffs 31st birthday?? ) 730am Footbag Golf Players Meeting at Chapel Field, UMD Campus 8am Footbag Golf Kick-Off, ends by 9am. 9am Footbag Net Players Meeting at tent on Chapel Field 930am Alarios Lunch orders taken at tent until 11am 930am Footbag Net Warm-up, Bracket/Pool setup finalization 10am Footbag Singles Net Begins 10am Footbag Lessons and 'Style Demos begin at CRC Building UMD Campus 11am Alarios lunch orders placed for delivery by 1pm 12pm Doubles Net begins ( tentative- might be demonstrations only ) 1pm Alarios orders arrive 1pm Freestyle events begin at CRC Building or in HHP Basketball Gym 5pm Events end, cleanup at both sites 5pm orders taken for Alarios Sunday Lunch delivery. Afterwards, mass confusion, ride grabbing, shower taking, food eating, and more ride grabbing, with ultimate convergence at Ironman's Birthday Celebration ( sadly sans Ironman ) probably at Rebel Base Derwood Sunday April 30th 6,7,8,or 9am Garrett Young begins World Record Consecutives Attempt Volleyball Gym HHP Building 8am Footbag Golf- the saga continues with Day Two 9am Footbag Net Set up and Warm up on Chapel Fields 9am Alarios food orders taken at tent until 11am 930am Footbag Net Continues, Doubles Net begins if it hasn't already 10am CRC East Gym opens up for all day Freestyling, or net if it rains 11am Alarios orders placed 1pm Alarios orders arrive 2pm Freestyle Events Finals Begin at CRC East Gym 3pm Net Finals Begin at Chapel Field 4pm Open Doubles Net Finals Begin 5pm Open Singles Net Finals Begin 6pm Awards Ceremony followed by Events End Food and Beer at Hard Times

DOWNLOAD A ECFC2000 Entrance Form (Word97) and bring it with you. CONFIRMED COMPETITORS (from far away)... Steve Goldberg (CA), Emmanuel Bouchard (Montreal), Yves Archambault (Montreal), Martin Cote (Montreal), Bob Lavigne (Montreal), Amy Westberg (AZ), Rob Adams (AZ), Steve Smith (IL), Cory Current (IL), Bryan Nelson (IL), Scot Hansen (IL), Aaron Dean (IL), Josh Penney (NY), Dan Kramer (NY), Team NetWrecker (PA) LOCAL PROS: Peter Irish, Jason Langis, Matt Quint, Ann Lasken ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2000 EAST COAST FOOTBAG CHAMPIONSHIPS ENTRY FORM First name:______________________ Last Name:______________________________ Date:_________ World Footbag Foundation Member#(/www.footbag.org/):_________ Address:___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ City:______________________State or province:___________ Country:________________ Zip:_______________ Home phone: (____)_____________Work phone: ( ___ )_____________ E-mail / URL:________________________ Sex: M F Birthday: ___/___ /_______ Shirt size: S M L XL WFA Member#_____________________ Player status: Amateur Professional Club affiliation:_________________________________________ Mark an X in the box for the highest level of competition you plan to enter, and also for each specific event you will compete in and specify your partner where appropriate. NOTE: these are pre-registration fees- entrance forms processed after April 27th will require late registration fees ( up to $5.00 extra per event). Open Events registration fee w/ prize money: ____$50.00 Open Events registration fee no prize money: ____$45.00 Open : Net ____singles ____doubles (partner)___________________ _____Freestyle ____Golf Womens Events registration fee w/ prize money: ____$35.00 Womens Events registration fee no prize money: ____$30.00 Womens :Net ____singles ____doubles (partner)____________________ _____Freestyle Intermediate Events registration fee: ____$25.00 Intermediate: Net _____singles ____doubles (partner)____________________ ____Freestyle ____Golf Novice Events registration fee ____$15.00 Novice: Net: _____singles _____doubles (partner)____________________ ____Freestyle (Separate event) Mixed _____Doubles Net First time competitor ever in any footbag event or Current University of MD student ____$10.00 (mark events above in any competition level) Late Fee for payments received after 04/27/00 (postmarked 04/24/00 or later) _____$10.00 ( applied to intermediate and open players only) Grand Total: US $_______ Waiver for Participation: I,_______________________________ ,hereby wish to enter the 2000 East Coast Footbag Championships at its set and agreed upon entry fee. I understand that this entitles me to participate in all events entirely at my own risk and cost. I also vow to conduct myself in such a manner that is within the guidelines set forth by the International Footbag Committee ( IFC), The DC All Stars Footbag Club ( All Stars ), The University of Maryland, UMD's Campus Recreation Services, and the UMD Footbag Club. I understand and hereby authorize these entities as well as the World Footbag Foundation ( http://www.footbag.org/) to use any and all film and video tape taken of me during this event, to be used for any purpose. In consideration of your accepting my (my child's) entry, I hereby, for myself (my child), my heirs, executors and administrators, waive and release any and all rights and claims for damages I (my child) may have against the International Footbag Committee, the University of Maryland, the event sponsors, the hosting organizations, and all of their representatives and successors, and assigns sole responsibility to myself (my child) for any and all injuries suffered by myself (my child) at any activity sponsored by these groups. Signature_____________________________________________________ Guardian or Parent (if under 18 years old)____________________________________ Please pay with cash on Friday night during registration at the hotel.
Created Monday, January 3rd, 2000, 02:56pm (PST); last update Friday, June 30th, 2000, 10:56am (PDT).
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