California State Footbag Championships

Tournament Results

California State Footbag Championships


david Butcher

Belmont, CA
October 23-24, 1999  (concluded)
Peacock Meadow, Golden Gate Park
(a.k.a. the usual place)
San Francisco, California, USA
Host Club:
Events Offered:
Net: Open Singles, Open Doubles, Mixed Doubles, 
Intermediate Singles and Doubles

Freestyle: Open Singles (maybe Intermediate), shred on Sunday (if that's what y'all want to do).

Manually Entered Results

Singles Net:
1. Brent Stewart
2. Brent Welch
3. Alexis Deschenes
4. david Butcher

Doubles Net:
1. Brent Stewart/Alexis Deschenes
2. Brent Welch/david Butcher
3. Will Guyette/Pat Keehan (tie)
3. P.T. Lovern/Hung Chang (tie)

Mixed Net:
1. Julie Symons/Alexis Deschenes
2. Jody Welch/Brent Welch
3. Tim Tucker/Debbie Fisher
4. Lisa McDaniel/david Butcher

--- Freestyle ---

Yellow Belt Division:
1. Myles Lanzone
2. Roy Newman
3. "Awesome" Austin Sparks
4. Sam Colclough
5. Brian Pihl

Grand Masters Division:  :-)
1. Ryan "the Regulator" Mulroney
2. Eric "Ironman" Wulff
3. Sunil "Tsunami" Jani
4. "Wicked" Eric Windsor
5. Frankie "the Kind" Gutowski

--- Freestyle SHRED ---

1.  Brian Pihl..  38 adds
2.  Sam Colcough..  36 adds
3.  "Awesome" Austin Sparks..  33 adds

Shred heads:
1.  Ryan Mulroney

I think all would agree that on this day nothin else needs to be said
regarding the shred contest..

OK, we're good to go.

Net players, be there by 10:00am on Saturday (singles) and Sunday (doubles and finals).
Freestylers, be there by 2:30 Saturday and Sunday -- meet at Peacock, we will direct you to the shred zone.

Bring containers for water (reasonably close) and bring food (not reasonably close).

Created Sunday, September 19th, 1999, 12:47am (PDT); last update Tuesday, November 2nd, 1999, 11:12pm (PST).
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