Basque Open Footbag Net Tournament (Doubles)

Tournament Results

Basque Open Footbag Net Tournament (Doubles)


Egoitz Zelai

Phone: 692717278
Errebale 20, 1-C
Larrabetzu, Vizcaya, Basque Country
The "fronton" of Olabeaga (Bilbao)
Bilbao, Bizkaia, Basque Country
Events Offered:
The next sunday, the 24 of november, we will meet to play a tournament of footbag net
(doubles). Two friends of Czech Republick will come so it would be the first basque open of
footbag net. We will make 4 pairs and we will play semifinals.

Manually Entered Results

Yesterday, finally we played the I.Basque Open of Footbag Net (Doubles). 4 
pairs participated and the strongest players were Felipe Haase and Darlyn 
Mendoza. Our the next tournament it will be the II. Basque Tournament of 
Footbag Net (Doubles) in april of 2020.



Felipe Haase and Darlyn Mendoza 12-7 Widen Aroni and Joseph Ospina

Egoitz Campo and Eneko García 12-9 Jose Bermejo and Iker Durango

3º and 4º position match

Jose Bermejo and Iker Durango 15-9 Widen Aroni and Josepj Ospina

Felipe Haase and Darlyn Mendoza 15-10 Egoitz Campo and Eneko Garcia


1-Felipe Haase (Colombia) / Darlyn Mendoza ( Basque Country)
2-Egoitz Campo (Basque Country) / Eneko García (Basque Country)
3-Jose Bermejo (Basque COuntry) / Iker Durango (Basque Country)
4-Widen Aroni (Basque Country) 7 Joseph Ospina (Colombia)

As I have mentioned we will play a tournament of footbag net in Olabeaga. We will put a movil nets and courts and we will play to footbag net. We will start at 18:30 more or less and after play 4 matches we will finished more or less at 19:30. We will put two courts to play two matches at the same time the four pairs.
Created Thursday, November 21st, 2019, 11:52am (PST); last update Monday, November 25th, 2019, 12:43am (PST).
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