Austrian Footbag Championships 2018

Tournament Results

Austrian Footbag Championships 2018


Alexander Trenner

Phone: +436802097926
Site(s) TBA
Vienna, Austria
Host Club:
Events Offered:
Request Contest
Freestyle Battle
Sick 3

Manually Entered Results

1. Alexander Trenner
2. Arkadiusz Stanek
3. Paweł Nowak
4. Jakub Mościszewski
5. Przemek Pietrzycki
   Matthew Kemmer
   Dominik ¦imku
   Christoph Larndorfer
9. Rafał Kaleta
   Roman  Huber
   Nina Stuppacher

Sick 3
1. Jakub Mościszewski (Blurr Merlin > Pixie Motion > Mullet)
2. Paweł Nowak (Atomic Motion > Zooming Ducking Butterfly > Stepping PS Whirl)
3. Rafał Kaleta (PS Eggbeater > Pixie Motion > PS Torque)
4. Andreas Nawrath (Sailing Butterfly > Blurry Whirl > Spinning Pdx Blender)
5. Przemek Pietrzycki (Ripped Warrior > Pdx Torque > PS Whirl)
6. Roman  Huber (PS Whirl > Pdx Torque > Pdx Blender)
7. Ivan Iakimenko (Butterfly > Pdx Mirage > Butterfly)
8. Arkadiusz Stanek (no combo)
   Matthew Kemmer (no combo)
   Alexander Trenner (no combo)

Request Contest
1. Arkadiusz Stanek
2. Jakub Mościszewski
3. Matthew Kemmer
4. Alexander Trenner
   Paweł Nowak
   Rafał Kaleta
7. Przemek Pietrzycki
8. Andreas Nawrath
   Dominik ¦imku
10. Andreas Hofmann
11. Roman Huber
    Christoph Larndorfer
13. Nina Stuppacher
    Ivan Iakimenko
    Armin Moayad

Once again, footbag-vienna invites the worldwide footbag family to join us at the Austrian Footbag Championships. Focus is set on shred and fun for the players. There is Request, Battle and Sick3 competition on Saturday. On Friday, the pre-shred and 4-Square session will take place in the famous winter training rooms at WUK. On Saturday, the competition will take place at the Feel Good Studio, centrally located in Vienna.

REGISTRATION: Competitors (and also guests in need of a sleeping place) must register here.

Some more frequent updates will be posted in the facebook event-page here.

Players who need a place to stay will be accommodated privately (first come - first serve).

Event Details:
Friday 12.10.
@ WUK (Währingerstraße 59, 1090 Vienna) > Initiativenraum (stairway 5, first
  19:00 Doors open
  19:00 Welcome Shred and 4-Square (no competition)
  22:00 End -> go to the bar and have a drink

Saturday 13.10.
@ In Good Shape (Obere Donaustraße 69, 1020 Vienna)
  14:00 Doors open
  15:00 Request
  15:30 Battle
  17:00 Sick3
  17:15 - 19:30 Shred, 4-Square, Circle Kicking
Created Thursday, September 6th, 2018, 01:18am (PDT); last update Tuesday, October 16th, 2018, 09:03am (PDT).
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