Massachusetts High School State Championship

Event Listing

Massachusetts High School State Championship


Brendan Chase

Hingham, MA
Hingham High School
Hingham, Massachusetts, USA
Events Offered:
Team Elimination, Team Freestyle, Solo Elimination
Welcome to the first annual High School Hacky Sack state championship! The events will begin promptly at 7:05 AM and all events will be concluded by 7:45 AM. If one is interested in receiving a medal, they must pay the $10 entrance fee. The team who wins the most points will be dubbed State Champions, and bathe in the glory associated with it. PLEASE ARRIVE BY 7 am AT THE FRONT ENTRANCE OF HINGHAM HIGH SCHOOL
Event Details:
Dress In your team gear, and get ready to have fun. If funding allows, hot 
chocolate will be provided.
Created Thursday, November 9th, 2017, 06:26am (PST); last update Wednesday, December 6th, 2017, 06:26am (PST).
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