9th Annual Windy City Cup Footbag Net Championships

Tournament Results

9th Annual Windy City Cup Footbag Net Championships


Scot W. Hansen

Alias: scothansen@footbag.org
Wheaton, IL
Humboldt Park / Navy Pier
Chicago, Illinois, USA
Events Offered:
Footbag Net...
Singles, doubles, mens, womens, intermediate, novice.  If there is enough interest, there
will be a bracket for it.

Manually Entered Results


1. Walt Houston
2. Ben Alston
3. Tommy Whitworth
4. Ker Cha
5. Jim Hogan
6. Edwin Veltman
7. Marty Pascual


1. Ben Alston and Walt Houston
2. Greg Grandy and Ted Martin
3. Ker Cha and Tommy Whitworth
4. Scot Hansen and Zeke Ibardaloza
5. Jim Hogan and Marty Pascual
6. Vince Pontarelli and Edwin Veltman (s)

Please see www.windycitycup.org for more information.
Created Tuesday, February 9th, 2016, 11:43am (PST); last update Monday, September 26th, 2016, 07:28am (PDT).
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