Todexon 16

Tournament Results

Todexon 16


Jan Weber

Phone: +420777004493
Popovova 2004/12
Praha, Czech
Czech Republic

Jan Struz

Phone: (00420) 603 435 677
Husinec 47, Rez
Czech Republic

Online registration CLOSED

See who's registered
Site(s) TBA
Praha-vychod, Czech Republic
Events Offered:
Open, Women's and Intermediate. Freestyle Routines, Sick3, Big1, Request, Battle

Manually Entered Results

1. Milan Benda
2. Patrik Cerny
3. Jindra Smola
4. Andreas Nawrath
5. Alex Trenner
6. Vjaceslav Sidorin
7. Vojta Janousek

1. Jindra Smola
2. Patrik Černý
3. Alex Trenner
Sick 3:
1. Jindra Smola
2. Patrik Černý
3. Andreas Nawrath
1. Jindra Smola
2. Milan Benda
3. Patrik Černý
1. Milan Benda
2. Jindra Smola
3. Andreas Nawrath
Junior Contest:
1. Patrik Šmerda
2. Tomáš Mirovský
3. Hugo Hájek
4. Mikuláš Čáp

Ladies and gentlemen, footbag magicians and all freestyle creatures of the world: We hereby announce that on the day of 11th April 2015 another edition of world renown footbag event by the name Todexon will take happening. Its 16th consecutive year make it one of the greatest freestyle tournaments in Europe. Every and each year the elite of our sport with world champions in lead gather for this spectacle to compete and shred and have fun and make it happen. This year we have few new things set up for you. The biggest to be a rule for footbag size for two of our events. Second is to be a new discipline format that we hope you will all like. All the important information you can find on the pages that follow. Be there and make history. Where:

Event location:
   Slavětínská 120, 190 14 Praha 9 - Klánovice

This year our freestyle event will take place in a small Prague suburb location Klanovice in its culture center Nova Beseda. For the competition itself we got a theatre building with podium of size 6X4m, height 2,8m and seating arrangement for 90 spectators. In the fore-room of this theatre is coffee Beseda Cafe where you can have a nice warm coffee or tea, cookies and in the time of our event even hot food. Adjacent to the theatre we have a gym connected for shred and warm-up. We expect a full crowd to be there for the final main showcase event that will push you for the best moves and routine performances. 140503sal140430kavar09F Registration:

Soon online through Price: CZK 350,- for players, CZK 250,- for guests (guest gets all as player just cant compete) In the players pack you will get a embedded small towel, water for the duration of event, fruits and refreshments, sale for buying a showbag from Marco Hartig, see below. Accomodation:

We have arranged an accommodation option just few blocks form the event size, really few minutes walk. Adress: Slavětínská 82, 190 14 Praha 9 ? Klánovice Prize is CZK 400,- per person per night. Rooms for 2 people with its own bathroom and toilet. Komfort and good rest is a must. Reserve your bed through registration. Registration soon through Events:

We will be competing in these events: Open Singles Routines, Women's Singles Routines, Intermediate Singles Routines, Open Circle Contest, Request Contest, Sick-3 Big-1, and Freestyle Battle* (battle event rules below).

Tentative Schedule / Časový rozvrh:

* Schedule subject to change / časový rozvrh se mů?e částečně změnit
 Friday 10.4.
    16.00-22.00 Player Meeting, Accommodation, Registration, Shred, Food

 Saturday 11.4.
    12.00 Player Meeting
    14.00 Routine Qualification
    15.00 Novice local footbag school event
    16.00 Big1, Sick3
    17.00 Battle Top16
    18.00 Routines Finals
    20.00 Circle Finals

Sunday 12.4. Shred, maybe other events.

Battle event rules:

Players are eliminated based on a draw from top 16, followed by top 8, semifinals, 3rd place and final battle. Qualification may anticipate. Each battle lasts 3 minutes, while each player has 3 turns of a 30 seconds length. Drops do affect the performance, but do not stop the 30 second turns. Battles are judged by the spectators, not by jury, therefore players should prefer to perform nice effective moves and combos that impress the audience. ADD system is not applied. Without a significant decision, extra turn will follow. The event is played with big showbags. Footbag rules for Routine and Battle:

showbag - For the events of Open Routine and Battle players will be required to use a specific size bag, so called show bags - 7cm diameter. On the picture you have diameters 4,5 cm, 6cm, 7cm. Because not everyone has this size we have made an agreement with Marco Hartig who can provide you with a discounted show bag just for 18 EUR +shipping instead of classic prize of 25 + shipping. This applies only to people who will be registered for the event. Registration soon, but dont hesitate and contact Marco right away. There will also be these show bags on site for you to borrow or buy. Game on!

Created Friday, November 14th, 2014, 09:27am (PST); last update Wednesday, August 5th, 2015, 08:40am (PDT).
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