2014 Green Cup Presented by Chaos

Tournament Results

2014 Green Cup Presented by Chaos


Steve Goldberg

Facebook: » Steve Goldberg
Alias: brat@footbag.org
San Carlos, CA

John Leys

Alias: jleys@footbag.org
Phone: (415)412-5395
2875 Golden Gate Ave.
San Francisco, CA

Online registration CLOSED

See who's registered
Bushrod Recreation Center, 560 59th St
Oakland, California, USA
Host Club:
Events Offered:
Net Events offered include: open singles, open doubles, open women's singles, open women's
doubles, open mixed doubles, intermediate singles, intermediate doubles.
Freestyle Events offered include: open/women's/intermediate singles routines, circle
contest, sick 3-trick

Results for Green Cup Presented by Chaos (2014)

Open Singles Net:

  1. Kenny Shults (USA)
  2. Luke Legault (Canada)
  3. Jack Harris (USA)
  4. Chris Young (USA)
  5. Jasper Shults (USA)
  6. Dan Baron (USA)
  7. Edwin Veltman (USA)
  8. Fletcher Funk (USA)
  9. Angel Rodriguez (USA)
  10. Sage Woodmansee (USA)
  11. Grant Hayes (USA)
  12. Joey Monti-Vu (USA)
  13. Drake Shults (USA)

Open Doubles Net:

  1. P.T. Lovern / Jack Harris (USA)
  2. Luke Legault (Canada) / Tuan Vu (USA)
  3. Jeremy Mirken / Kenny Shults (USA)
  4. Jody Welch / david Butcher (USA)
  5. Jasper Shults / Joey Monti-Vu (USA)
  6. Cory Current / Fletcher Funk (USA)
  7. Sage Woodmansee / Angel Rodriguez (USA)
  8. Josh DeClercq / Jake DeClercq (USA)
  9. Brent Welch / Edwin Veltman (USA)
  10. Chris Young / Dan Baron (USA)
  11. E.J. Gammage / Dirk Janssens (USA)
  12. Grant Hayes / Vince Pontarelli (USA)
  13. Drake Shults / Brian Sherrill (USA)
  14. Sophie Berenika Broch / Hanna Widen (USA)

Open Mixed Doubles Net:

  1. Brent Welch / Jody Welch (USA)
  2. Edwin Veltman / Hanna Widen (USA)
  3. Grant Hayes / Sophie Berenika Broch (USA)

Open Singles Routines:

  1. Brian Sherrill (USA)
  2. Dustin Rhodes (USA)
  3. Alex Dworetzky (USA)
  4. Rory Dawson (Canada)

Open Sick 3-Trick:

  1. Brian Sherrill (USA)  - spinning ducking osis > mobius > spender 
  2. Dustin Rhodes (USA)  - matador > blurry whirl > blur 
  3. Alex Dworetzky (USA)  - paradox whirl > paradox whirl > barfly 

Open Circle Contest:

  1. David Clavens (USA)
  2. Brian Sherrill (USA)
  3. Dustin Rhodes (USA)
  4. Rory Dawson (Canada)
  5. Alex Dworetzky (USA)

Manually Entered Results

This event will be held on Memorial Day Weekend, May 25-26, in the San Francisco Bay Area. This event is one of the largest footbag net tournaments in terms of quality of play in the world! Once again we are pleased to offer both net and freestyle disciplines with top freestylers in attendance! This event is not to be missed! This year the event will again be held on Sat and Sun at Bushrod Recreation Center in Oakland, California.
Event Details:

Saturday Bushrod Recreation Center Indoors (560 59th St, Oakland)
 11:30 a.m. Registration and Warm-up
 3:00 - 6:30 p.m. Open Doubles Pools and Quarterfinals
 8:00 Party at Jack?s House

Saturday Bushrod Recreation Center Outdoors 
 12:00 p.m. Singles Bracket Round of 16
 1:00 p.m. Singles Bracket Quarterfinals and Consolation

Sunday Bushrod Recreation Center Outdoors 
 11:00 a.m. Consolation Singles 
 1:00 p.m. Consolation Doubles 

Sunday Bushrod Recreation Center Indoors
 3:00 p.m. Doubles Semifinals (2v3)
 3:00 p.m. Doubles Semifinal (1v4)
 4:30 p.m. Singles Semifinal (2v3)
 4:30 p.m. Singles Semifinal (1v4)
 5:30 p.m. Singles Bronze Medal Match
 5:30 p.m. Open Singles Final
 6:30 p.m. Bronze Medal Match - Open Doubles
 7:30 p.m. Championship Match - Open Doubles 
 8:30 p.m. Mixed Doubles Demo Match
 Green Cup Presentation and Awards on Site!
 10:00 p.m. Player Party (TBD)


Saturday, May 24:
 11:00am - 11:30am - Check-in/late registration (at Bushrod Recreation Center,   
560 59th St, Oakland)
 12:00pm - 12:15pm - Players' meeting and warm-up
 12:30pm - 1:15pm - Intermediate/Women's/Open Singles Routines, Round 1
 2:00pm - 3:15pm - Circle Contest, Round 1
 3:30pm - 3:45pm - Sick 3-Trick, Finals (one round only)
 4:00pm - 4:30pm - Request Contest Finals (one round only)

Sunday, May 25:
 11:45am - Warm-up
 12:30pm - 12:45pm - Intermediate Singles Routines Finals
 1:00pm - 1:30pm - Women's/Open Singles Routines Finals
 2:00pm - 3:00pm - Circle Contest Finals
 3:30pm - 3:45pm - Awards Ceremony / End of Freestyle

Created Thursday, March 13th, 2014, 10:06pm (PDT); last update Sunday, June 1st, 2014, 11:42pm (PDT).
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