9th Invitational Pennsylvania Net Championships

Event Listing

9th Invitational Pennsylvania Net Championships


Daniel E. Greer

E-mail: microbrewlover24@yahoo.com
Alias: DanGreer@footbag.org
Phone: (814) 746-5099
1014 Washington Place
Erie, PA

Jack Lentz

E-mail: hackysackjack05@wmconnect.com
Alias: hackysackjack@footbag.org
Phone: 814-825-0916
3127 Holmes St
Erie, PA
Solonosky Camp
Doylesburg, Pennsylvania, USA
Host Club:
Events Offered:
footbag net, freestyle, and golf
This year the Pa Net Championships will be held in connection with a Benefit Joe is holding for children with cancer. Beside the footbag events there will be disc golf, poker, chess and ping-pong. New this year will be a pig roast and possibly live music. Also new this year will be a nominal $10 entry fee that will be donated to the charity. With the early summer tournament date expect warmer temps and longer daylight hours. As in the past we invite people to bring food to share. Also we expect more people this year so we're encouraging camping. So footbaggers, let's give back a little to Joe and Brenda for all the've done for footbag and have some fun while we're at it. Please contact us if you're coming.
Created Thursday, March 14th, 2013, 12:55pm (PDT); last update Thursday, March 14th, 2013, 01:01pm (PDT).
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