Results for Carnabal Footbag Contest (2012)
Open Singles Net:
1. Greg Lima (France)
2. Jean-Francois Lemieux (France)
3. Arthur Ledain (France)
4. Sébastien Maillet (France)
5. Grischa Tellenbach (Switzerland)
6. Quentin Isackson (France)
7. Mouss Kabbal (France)
8. Guillaume Degat (France)
9. Julien Coblence (France)
10. Lisa Amengual (France)
11. Miquel Clemente (France)
12. Sven Depoilly (France)
13. Mael Le Gall (France)
14. Boris Ollivier (France)
15. Benjamin De Bastos (France)
Open Doubles Net:
1. Grischa Tellenbach (Switzerland) / Arthur Ledain (France)
2. Mouss Kabbal / Sébastien Maillet (France)
3. Jean-Francois Lemieux / Guillaume Degat (France)
4. Greg Lima / Miquel Clemente (France)
5. David Rambaud / Mael Le Gall (France)
6. Quentin Isackson / Julien Coblence (France)
7. Lisa Amengual / Benjamin De Bastos (France)
8. Antony Arnaud / Boris Ollivier (France)
Manually Entered Results
Initial seeding
1. Arthur Ledain / Grischa Tellenbach
2. JF Lemieux / Guillaume Degat
3. Greg Lima / Miquel Clemente
4. Seb Maillet / Mouss Kabbal
5. Quentin Isackson / Julien Coblence
6. Mael LeGall / David Rambaud
7. Antony Arnaud / Boris Belouin
8. Lisa Amengual / Benjamin De Bastos
Final results
1. Arthur Ledain / Grischa Tellenbach
2. Seb Maillet / Mouss Kabbal
3. JF Lemieux / Guillaume Degat
4. Greg Lima / Miquel Clemente
5. Mael LeGall / David Rambaud
6. Quentin Isackson / Julien Coblence
7. Lisa Amengual / Benjamin De Bastos
8. Antony Arnaud / Boris Belouin
Initial seeding
1. JF Lemieux
2. Greg Lima
3. Arthur Ledain
4. Seb Maillet
5. Grischa Tellenbach
6. Guillaume Degat
7. Quentin Isackson
8. Miquel Clemente
9. Mouss Kabbal
10. Sven Depoilly
11. Julien Coblence
12. Mael LeGall
13. Boris Belouin
14. Lisa Amengual
15. Benjamin De Bastos
Final results
1. Greg Lima
2. JF Lemieux
3. Arthur Ledain
4. Seb Maillet
5. Grischa Tellenbach
6. Quentin Isackson
7. Mouss Kabbal
8. Guillaume Degat (scratch)
9. Julien Coblence
10. Lisa Amengual
11. Miquel Clemente (scratch)
12. Sven Depoilly
13. Mael LeGall
14. Boris Belouin
15. Benjamin De Bastos
Come to the first carnabal footbag contest!
We're waiting for you!!!
Event Details:
Gymnase Gobelets Ripossière
24 rue des Gobelets
44200 Nantes
Created Wednesday, September 12th, 2012, 11:48am (PDT); last
update Tuesday, October 23rd, 2012, 02:31pm (PDT).