Open Single Rutine, Sick 3, Big 1, Shred 30s.,Footbag Golf, Open Double Net, Open Single Net.
ACAPULCO ZOCHA JAM X RESULTS: Footbag Golf 1. Michał Róg 2. Piotr Bałtrukiewicz 3. Damian Budzik 4. Michał Klimczak 5. Moka Szymankiewicz 6. Kacper Prędkiewicz 7. Caroline Birch 8. Jakub Bolzega 9. David Beck 10. Hubert Gleba 11. Filip Prędkiewicz 12. Piotr Abramowicz 13. Mariusz Konopia Open Singles Net 1. Michał Klimczak 2. Szymon Kałwak 3. Michał Róg 4. Damian Budzik 5. Moka Szymankiewicz 6. Paweł Rożek 7. Caroline Birch Open Doubles Net 1. Michał Róg / Michał Klimczak 2. Moka Szymankiewicz / Damian Budzik 3. Caroline Birch / Szymon Kałwak Open Sick 3 1. Marcin Bujko 2. Damian Budzik 3. Caroline Birch Open Big 1 1. Marcin Bujko 2. Damian Budzik 3. Caroline Birch Most Rippin' Run 1. Marcin Bujko 2. Damian Budzik 3. Caroline Birch
The competition will be a two-day: Day 1(Saturday) in South Park in Wroclaw. Footbag Net competition (including the semi-finals), Footbag Golf, shred & grill. In case of bad weather on Saturday, Footbag Net skills will be on Sunday but foobag golf will be on Saturday Day 2 (Sunday) of the event will move to Rancho Wroclaw. It is located on Na Grobli 49. Joining forces together with representatives of other sports besides Footbag so you can enjoy many other competitions. The end of day will take place live concerts. Here's the final schedule of the competition: Dzień I - Park Południowy we Wrocławiu Sobota/Saturday 1.09.2012 Park Południowy/South Park 10.00 ? 10.30 Rejestracja zawodników/Registration 10.30 ? 11.00 Spotkanie zawodników/players meeting 11.00 ? 11.15 Otwarcie turnieju/opening ceremony 11.30 ? 13.00 Footbag Golf 11.30 ? 18.00 Open Single Net & Open Double Net kwalifikacje/Shres & Grill 19.00 - ? After Party Dzień II 2.09.2012 ul. Na Grobli 18 10.00 ? 10.30 Rejestracja zawodników/Registration 10.30 ? 11.00 Spotkanie zawodników/players meeting 11.00 ? 11.15 Otwarcie turnieju/opening ceremony 11.30 ? 14.00 Footbag Golf 11.30 ? 12.00 Open Big One ? najbardziej zwariowany trick 12.00 - 12.30 Open Sick 3 ? najbardziej zwariowane 3 triki 12.30 ? 13.00 Most Rippin? Run - graj jak najdłużej potrafisz 13.00 ? 14.00 Request Contest 14.00 ? 15.00 Open Freestyle Rutine 15.00 - 16.00 Konkurs dla publiczności 16.00 ? 17.00 Open Single Net Finał 17.00 ? 18.00 Open Double Net Finał 18.00 ? 19.00 Ceremonia wręczenia medali/Awards ceremony 19.00 - ? After Party requests for accommodation during the competition, please contact the address The organizers are valuable prizes, who knows, maybe something else ... The cost of registration for the competition is 50 zł.