Fifth Annual Windy City Cup Footbag Net Championships

Tournament Results

Fifth Annual Windy City Cup Footbag Net Championships


Scot W. Hansen

Wheaton, IL
Union Park
Chicago, Illinois, USA
Events Offered:
Footbag Net

Results for Fifth Annual Windy City Cup Footbag Net Championships (2012)

Open Doubles Net:

  1. Daniel Greer (USA) / Dominic O'Brien (Canada)
  2. Cory Current / Scot Hansen (USA)
  3. Greg Grandy / Ted Martin (USA)
  4. Fletcher Funk / Alex Ibardaloza (USA)
  5. Robert McCloskey / Anthony Ritz (USA)
  6. Josh DeClercq / Jim Hankins (USA)
  7. Robert Creel / Marty Pascual (USA)

Manually Entered Results

Unfortunately, singles was cancelled due to horrible weather on Sunday.  
Doubles was played on Saturday in 95-degree heat.  Here are the results:

1.  Dan Greer / Dominic O'Brien
2.  Cory Current / Scot Hansen
3.  Greg Grandy / Ted Martin
4.  Fletcher Funk / Zeke Ibardaloza
5.  Rob McCloskey / Anthony Ritz
6.  Josh DeClerq / Jim Hankins
7.  Rob Creel / Marty Pascual

Congrats to Dan and Dom, the 2012 Windy City Cup Champions!

For pictures and more information, please visit

Event Details:
This is the 5th Annual Windy City Cup.  Unlike years in the past, we will do 
the entire event at Union Park (Ashland St and Lake St, Chicago).  We've 
spent the last 4 years running the premier spectator event, but this year 
we're keeping it low key.  That will allow for a lot less work and a lot more 
fun, with at least the same amount of footbag action.

Come out Friday the 24th for pick-up games, or be on site on Saturday the 
25th before registration ends at 10:30 to be a part of it.

We're working on setting up hotel accomodations, but in the meantime, let us 
know if you're coming so we can make sure you get the most out of your 
vacation.  Email Scot at and check out our website,, for more details.
Created Thursday, August 9th, 2012, 06:35am (PDT); last update Tuesday, August 28th, 2012, 11:25am (PDT).
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