Las Vegas likes to "double down". One Vegas Jam in 2011 was fun -- but two
is twice
as nice! (Besides, it's been over half a year; so let's do another.)
Come join Evan Gatesman, Ben Skaggs, Jeff Overbo, and Ken Somolinos for a fun
weekend of shredding and hanging out. Do you really need an excuse to come
to Vegas? How about free crash space? It'll be sweet, trust me.
Event Details:
Contact Ken or Evan for crash space. Event will tentatively take place on
the UNLV campus, though this may change. Also check for updates, though
that's kind of silly 'cause you have to read through threads to find
information that we could really just put here for you.
Schedule of Events:
Friday, Sep. 16:
4-7pm; casual pre-event shred at UNLV
Saturday, Sep. 17:
11am - late registration/sign-up for competitive events
12pm - first competitive event (likely Circle Contest)
More details later
Sunday, Sep. 18:
12pm - casual shred, possible 2-square or 4-square event
5pm - awards/prize ceremony
6pm - hang out, eat, get outta town
Spinning Clipper Contest
1. Evan Gatesman
2. Ben Skaggs
3. Brian Bear
Mirage Race
1. Ken Somolinos
2. Evan Gatesoman
Rippin Run
1. Brian Bear
2. Ben Skaggs
3. Ken Somolinos
Sick 3
1. TBD. I will make a video, and modified will vote on it.
Circle Contest
1. Evan Gatesman
2. Ken Somolinos
3. Brian Bear
Created Wednesday, August 31st, 2011, 03:07pm (PDT); last
update Tuesday, September 20th, 2011, 01:13pm (PDT).