Bembel Cup 2011: Gimbledon Championships

Tournament Results

Bembel Cup 2011: Gimbledon Championships


Phil Schaefer


Online registration CLOSED

See who's registered
Site(s) TBA
Funkfurt, Germany
Events Offered:
Open Doubles Net
Women's Doubles Net
Pro Image Cash Golf (PI¤G)

Manually Entered Results

Doubles Net Results

1. Florian Goetze / Yves Kreil
2. Greg Lima / Jean-Francois Lemieux
3. Thomas Förster / Yassin Khateeb
4. Grischa Tellenbach / Lino Landau
5. Phil Schaefer / Antonio Fritsch
6. Evgeni Shiryaev / Alexander Smirnov
7. Eurik Lindner / Markus Kaspczak
8. Johannes Korff / Mouss Kabbal
9. Chris Löw / Alex Bartsch
10. Amaya Straeten / Kerstin Anhuth
11. Miquel Clemente / Hakan Hellberg
12. Yves Mingard / Quentin Isackson
13. Stefan Nold / Simon Rollmann
14. Yannik Rockel / Andreas Käfer
15. Arthur Ledain / Manuel Kruse (scratch)
16. Carlos Márquez / Sam Maleki
17. Tuan Vu / Oscar Loreto
18. Helena Schlichting / Shirine Daouk
19. Faris Barakat / David Fujimura
20. Stephan Rautenberg / Ulrike Häßler
21. Ingo Hartmann / Radoslav Rusev 


Florian Goetze / Yves Kreil 17 21 21
Greg Lima / Jean-Francois Lemieux 21 14 18

3rd place

Grischa Tellenbach / Lino Landau 14 17
Thomas Förster / Yassin Khateeb 21 21

Semi Finals:

Florian Goetze / Yves Kreil 21 21
Grischa Tellenbach / Lino Landau 10 15

Thomas Förster / Yassin Khateeb 15 15
Greg Lima / Jean-Francois Lemieux 21 21

Quarter Finals:

Florian Goetze / Yves Kreil  21  21
Evgeni Shiryaev / Alexander Smirnov XX  XX

Grischa Tellenbach / Lino Landau 21 21
Johannes Korff / Mouss Kabbal 14 9

Thomas Förster / Yassin Khateeb 21 21
Phil Schaefer / Antonio Fritsch 18 16

Greg Lima / Jean-Francois Lemieux 21 21
Eurik Lindner / Markus Kaspczak 18 14

Golf Results:
(Place, Name, Money won)

1.Karl 34,75
2.Ingo 14,50
3.Rauti 11,75
4. Faris, Stuff, KV 0,00
7. Andi 5,75
8. Yves 4,25
9. Miquel 4,00
10. Quentin, Alex, Hakan, André 0,00

The legendary Frankfurt Footbag Club is proud to announce the third Bembel Cup one week before the World Footbag Championships in Helsinki! Stay tuned for the Gimbledon Championships!!!
Event Details:
Each registered player receives a player's pack, including a Bembel Cup
baseball cap, eventually an Eventshirt.


!!!ATTENTION!!! This year, the golf-winner will receive the pot earnings AND
separate 50 EUR price money

Created Saturday, November 27th, 2010, 04:38am (PST); last update Tuesday, July 26th, 2011, 02:19pm (PDT).
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