Open and intermediate net, singles and doubles
Singles: 1. Jean-François Lemieux 2. François D.-Pelletier 3. Gilles Demers 4. Jeremy Mirken 5. Luc Legault 6. Yves Archambault 7. Dominic O’Brien 8. Martin Côté 9. Tuan Vu 10. Philippe Lessard 11. Jack Harris 12. Sébastien Duchesne 13. Geneviève Bousquet 14. Brad Williams 15. Mathieu Payant 16. Jean-François Bélanger 17. Luka W.-Lavallée 18. Olivier B.-Bergé 19. Thibault Rehn 20. Marc G.-Larivière Doubles : 1. G. Demers/F. D.-Pelletier 2. E. Bouchard/PT Lovern 3. J. Harris/J. Mirken 4. J.-F. Lemieux/B. Rochon 5. L. Legault/E. Wulff 6. Y. Archambault/D. O’Brien 7. S. Duchesne/D. Soulard 8. M. Côté/S. Perron 9. P. Lessard/B. Williams 10. S. Cloutier/T. Vu 11. G. Bousquet/T. Rehn 12. J.-F. Bélanger/L. W.-Lavallée 13. O. B.-Bergé/M. Payant
Contact us as soon as possible to help us find you a place to stay among Montreal players. There is room for everyone! Open: 50$CAN; Intermediate: 35$CAN; Amateurs can register either in open or intermediate levels at the cost of 15$CAN but are not eligible for prize money. Friday July 2: Singles prelims only. Registration at 17:00. Saturday July 3: Registration for doubles at 9:30. Sunday July 4: Last game ends around 18:30 Here's the link to help you find us in the park: A9e+Parc+Lafontaine&hnear=Qu%C3% A9bec&ei=6KXdS_3HNMWblge2xbX9Cg&ved=0CBoQnwIwAw&msa=0&msid=1164943538188535242 72.0004859ede3864f24961f&ll=45.527434,-73.569174&spn=0.001402,0.003428&z=18