2010 Southern Regional Footbag Championships

Tournament Results

2010 Southern Regional Footbag Championships


Tim Vozar

E-mail: vozar@vmsstore.com
Alias: vozar@footbag.org
Phone: 832-603-1876
Houston, TX
Discover Green Park - Downtown
Houston, Texas, USA
Events Offered:
Footbag Net, Footbag Freestyle, Footbag Golf, Footbag Speed Consecutives

Manually Entered Results

1)	Craig Lord
2)	James Roberts
3)	Tim Vozar
4)	Michael Gupton

Open Doubles Net
1)	James Roberts / Michael Gupton
2)	Tina Lewis / Kelly Kelley
3)	Tim Vozar / Craig Lord

Open Mixed Doubles
1)	Kelly Kelley / Michael Gupton
2)	Heather Thomas / James Roberts

Masters Doubles Net
1)	Tim Vozar / Michael Gupton
2)	James Roberts / Craig Lord

Freestyle Shred
James Roberts 
Benjamin Benulis ? 
Cody rushing 
Charles Gallant  
Mike Stokely 
William Leu  
Jay Boychuk 
Curtis Taylor    

Event Details:
Discover Green Park - Downtown - Houston
map  - http://www.mapquest.com/mq/9-PZIdEGM_eFnWJTeMIYHb

We will be competing at the Discover Green Park, in downtown Houston. (see 
map above) To register, find Footbag Museums mobile unit that will be parked 
in the parking lot on the north side of the park. 
Saturday, May 1st 
9am will be registration 
(novice - free, intermediate/amatuer=$10, Pro=$20(prize money for Pro only)
10am-1pm - net singles and doubles
1pm - break
2pm - singles and team freestyle
3pm - other freestyle events
4pm-6pm - more singles and doubles
6pm - 1st round of golf
Sunday, May 2nd
10am-noon - net singles and doubles semi-finals and finals
noon - break
1pm - singles and team freestyle finals
2pm - other freestyle event finals
3pm - timed and speed consecutive competition
4pm - awards

Created Tuesday, March 9th, 2010, 07:23pm (PST); last update Wednesday, May 26th, 2010, 08:21am (PDT).
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