IFPA South American Championships

Tournament Results

IFPA South American Championships


Carlos Rafael Márquez

E-mail: fushidoman2@hotmail.com
Alias: fushidoman@footbag.org
Phone: 0058-424-7234722
Tucapé Parte Baja, Calle 5 Qta. Meme
San Cristóbal, Táchira
Site(s) TBA
Bogotá, Cundinamarca, Colombia
Events Offered:
Net: open doubles, open singles, intermediate doubles, singles
Freestyle: open singles/shred:30/sick-3/big-trick/circle,
           intermediate sick-3/big-trick/circle contest

Manually Entered Results


Place	Name
1	Victor Lezama
2	Jeremy Mirken    (USA)
3	Carlos Rafael Márquez
4	Jairo Lagos
5	Jack Harris     (USA)
6	Nelson Castro         
7	Reinaldo Pérez       
8	Andrés Vivas         
9	Roberto Da Silva     
10	Anthony Vivas        
11	Diego Chaves
12	Elías González
13	Luis Alberto Sarmiento
14	Camilo Moreno
15	Leiner Hevia
16	Jonathan Sarmiento   
17	Gabriel Bohorquez     
18	Edgar Camargo        
19	Oscar Colmenares "Zombie"    
20	Hernán Moreno          
21	Jaime alberto Navarro
22	Héctor
23	Brayan Bossa
24	Juan Pablo Duarte
25	Oscar Loreto  (scratch)

Place	Name
1	Jeremy Mirken    (USA)
	Jack Harris     (USA)
2	Andrés Vivas         
	Reinaldo Pérez       
3	Carlos Rafael Márquez
	Oscar Loreto  
4	Nelson Castro         
	Elías González
5	Jairo Lagos
	Roberto Da Silva     
6	Luis Alberto Sarmiento
	Diego Chaves
7	Oscar Colmenares "Zombie"    
	Anthony Vivas        
8	Camilo Moreno
	Gabriel Bohorquez     
9	Victor Lezama
	Leiner Hevia
10	Jonathan Sarmiento   
	Hernán Moreno          
11	Edgar Camargo        
	Juan Pablo Duarte
12	Brayan Bossa
	Kevin Ritchie (USA)

The IFPA South American Footbag Committee is proud to present the Biggest Sanctioned International Footbag event in South America! with an expected participation of players from Colombia, Venezuela, Mexico, USA and Canada, we are working very hard to make this event at the level of any other continental footbag championships like US open and Euros!! You are invited to come and receive the world-famous South American hospitality and shred & spike hard with a whole new generation of south american players! South America represents too! Check out our website!!! at www.sura2009.com -------------------------------Spanish ---------------------------------- El comité suramericano de Footbag de la IFPA se enorgullece en presentar el segundo Evento internacional oficial realizado en nuestro continente!! con la participación esperada de jugadores de Colombia, Venezuela, Brasil, USA y Canada, estamos trabajando muy duro para realizar este evento a la altura de cualquier otro campeonato continental de footbag como el US open o los Euros!! Estás invitado a venir y recibir la mundialmente famosa hospitalidad suramericana, y jugar duro freestyle y net con toda una nueva generación de footbaggers suramericanos... SURAMERICA TAMBIEN REPRESENTA!! Visiten nuestro sitio web!!! en www.sura2009.com
Created Tuesday, November 17th, 2009, 07:05pm (PST); last update Thursday, January 7th, 2010, 07:47am (PST).
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