Tournament Results



Paul Cronjaeger

E-mail: paul.cronjaeger@googlemail.com
Alias: Pauler@footbag.org
Phone: +49 30 56972851

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Results for 30th Annual IFPA WORLD FOOTBAG CHAMPIONSHIPS (2009)

Open Singles Net:

  1. Emmanuel Bouchard (Canada)
  2. Jean-Francois Lemieux (France)
  3. Matti Pohjola (Finland)
  4. Florian Goetze (Germany)
  5. Oskari Forstén (Finland)
  6. Tuomas Kärki (Finland)
  7. Gilles Demers (Canada)
  8. Jani Säntti (Finland)
  9. Greg Lima (France)
  10. Ale? Pelko (Slovenia)
  11. Arthur Ledain (France)
  12. Jeremy Mirken (USA)
  13. Renaud Fanoni (Canada)
  14. Yves Archambault (Canada)
  15. Martin Côté (Canada)
  16. Bruce Guettich (USA)
  17. Luke Legault (Canada)
  18. Yassin Khateeb (Germany)
  19. Thomas Förster (Germany)
  20. Hannes Daniel (Germany)
  21. Yves Kreil (Germany)
  22. Markus Portenkirchner (Germany)
  23. Miquel Clemente (France)
  24. Justin Sexton (Finland)
  25. François Pelletier (Canada)
  26. Peter Shunny (USA)
  27. Lino Landau (France)
  28. Tuan Vu (USA)
  29. Karim Daouk (Switzerland)
  30. Tammo Rockel (Germany)
  31. Markus Kaspczak (Germany)
  32. Alexander Smirnov (Russia)
  33. Manuel Kruse (Germany)
  34. Sébastien Duchesne (Canada)
  35. Simon Voss (Germany)
  36. Jaka Stare (Slovenia)
  37. Sébastien Maillet (France)
  38. Andreas Käfer (Germany)
  39. Evgeni Shiryaev (Russia)
  40. Vincent Rousseau (France)
  41. Grischa Tellenbach (Switzerland)
  42. Oxana Prikhodko (Russia)
  43. Arkady Lobankov (Russia)
  44. Philippe Lessard (Canada)
  45. Iisak Liukko (Finland)
  46. Hakan Hellberg (Sweden)
  47. Jesse Ruotsalainen (Finland)
  48. Antonio Fritsch (Germany)
  49. Carlos Márquez (Venezuela)
  50. Yves Mingard (Switzerland)
  51. Guillaume Degat (France)
  52. Hendrik Simon (Germany)
  53. Alain Custovic (Switzerland)
  54. Sven Depoilly (France)
  55. Christian Bruhn (Germany)
  56. Sakarias Liukko (Finland)
  57. Marc Brunet (France)
  58. Milan Ardalic (Slovenia)
  59. Errol Stryker (USA)
  60. Ville Laakso (Finland)
  61. Jonas Thull (Germany)
  62. Eurik Lindner (Germany)
  63. Nicolas De Zeeuw (France)
  64. Ludovic Lacaze (France)
  65. Christian Bock (Germany)
  66. David Fujimura (Germany)
  67. Ilkka Malin (Finland)
  68. Pavel Hejra (Czech Republic)
  69. Jim Hankins (USA)
  70. Misha Kayanov (Russia)
  71. Michal Klimczak (Poland)
  72. Sébastien Lessard (Canada)

Open Singles Routines:

  1. Václav Klouda (Czech Republic)
  2. Damian Gielnicki (Poland)
  3. Jan Weber (Czech Republic)
  4. Milan Benda (Czech Republic)
  5. Juho Marjo (Finland)
  6. Anssi Sundberg (Finland)
  7. Philip Morrison (New Zealand)
  8. Bartek Bubula (Poland)

Women's Singles Routines:

  1. Tina Aeberli (Switzerland)
  2. Lise Thygesen (Denmark)
  3. Karolina Modrzejewska (Poland)
  4. Jana Riisalo (Czech Republic)
  5. Sylwia Kocyk (Poland)
  6. Oxana Prikhodko (Russia)

Open Shred:30:

  1. Milan Benda (Czech Republic)
  2. Arkadiusz Dudzinski (Poland)
  3. Juho Marjo (Finland)
  4. Mikko Lepisto (Germany)
  5. Anssi Sundberg (Finland)
  6. Olaf Piwowar (Canada)
  7. Serge Kaldany (France)
  8. Tuukka Antikainen (Finland)
  9. Daniel Spácil (Czech Republic)
  10. Tuomas Riisalo (Finland)
  11. Marcin Bujko (Poland)

Women's Shred:30:

  1. Tina Aeberli (Switzerland)
  2. Lise Thygesen (Denmark)
  3. Verena Lenneis (Austria)
  4. Hanna Mickiewicz (Poland)
  5. Karolina Modrzejewska (Poland)

Open 2-Square:

  1. Wiktor Debski (Poland)
  2. Szymon Kalwak (Poland)
  3. Sébastien Duchesne (Canada)
  4. Steve Goldberg (USA)
  5. Ianek Regimbald (Canada)
  5. Arkadiusz Dudzinski (Poland)
  5. Michal Biarda (Poland)
  5. Kamil Wysocki (Poland)

Manually Entered Results

Women�s Singles Net

1.      Maude Landreville
2.      Geneviève Bousquet
3.      Julia Tikhomirova
4.      Irena Marc
5.      Piia Tantarimäki
6.      Oxana Prikhodko (scratch)
7.      Helena Schlichting
8.      Kerstin Anhuth (scratch)
9.      Lisa Uebele (scratch)
10.     Lena Mlakar (sratch)

Women�s Doubles Net

1.      Maude Landreville / Geneviève Bousquet
2.      Irena Marc / Lena Mlakar
3.      Julia Tikhomirova / Oxana Prikhodko
4.      Ninni Liukko / Piia Tantarimäki
5.      Lisa Uebele / Kerstin Anhuth
6.      Helena Schlichting / Shirine Daouk

Mixed Doubles Net

1.      Maude Landreville / J-F Lemieux
2.      Geneviève Bousquet / Luc Legault
3.      Irena Marc / Ales Pelko
4.      Ninni Liukko / Gilles Demers
5.      Kerstin Anhuth / Florian Goetze
6.      Piia Tantarimäki / François Pelletier
7.      Lena Mlakar / Hannes Daniel
8.      Julia Tikhomirova / Matti Pohjola
9.      Lisa Uebele / Alexander Bartsch
10.     Oxana Prikhodko / Miquel Clemente
11.     Helena Schlichting / Hakan Hellberg
12.     Shirine Daouk / Karim Daouk
13.     Johanna Nigisch / Greg Lima
14.     Katharina Probst / Alain Custovic
15.     Isabelle Widmer / Samuel Hufschmid
16.     Heike Koller / Matthias Feulner

Open Singles Net

1.      Emmanuel Bouchard
2.      J-F Lemieux
3.      Matti Pohjola
4.      Florian Goetze
5.      Oskari Forsten
6.      Tuomas Kärki
7.      Gilles Demers
8.      Jani Markkanen
9.      Greg Lima
10.     Ales Pelko
11.     Arthur Ledain
12.     Jeremy Mirken
13.     Renaud Fanoni
14.     Yves Archambault (scratch)
15.     Martin Coté (scratch)
16.     Bruce Guettich (scratch)
17.     Luc Legault
18.     Yassin Khateeb
19.     Thomas Förster
20.     Hannes Daniel
21.     Yves Kreil
22.     Markus Portenkirchner
23.     Miquel Clemente
24.     Justin Sexton
25.     François Pelletier
26.     Peter Shunny (scratch)
27.     Lino Landau
28.     Tuan Vu
29.     Karim Daouk
30.     Tammo Rockel
31.     Markus Kaspczak (scratch)
32.     Sasha Smirnov (scratch)
33.     Manuel Kruse
34.     Sébastien Duchesne
35.     Simon Voss
36.     Jaka Stare
37.     Sébastien Maillet
38.     Andreas Käfer
39.     Evgeni Shiryaev
40.     Vincent Rousseau
41.     Grischa Tellenbach
42.     Oxana Prikhodko (scratch)
43.     Arkandy Lobankov
44.     Phil Lessard
45.     Iisak Liukko
46.     Hakan Hellberg
47.     Jesse Ruotsalainen (scratch)
48.     Antonio Fritsch (scratch)
49.     Carlos Marquez
50.     Yves Mingard
51.     Guillaume Degat
52.     Hendrik Simon
53.     Alain Custovic
54.     Sven Depoilly
55.     Christian Bruhn
56.     Sakarias Liukko (scratch)
57.     Marc Brunet
58.     Milan Ardalic
59.     Errol Stryker
60.     Ville Laakso
61.     Jonas Thull
62.     Eurik Lindner (scratch)
63.     Nicolas de Zeeuw (scratch)
64.     Ludovic Lacaze (scratch)
65.     Christian Bock
66.     David Fujimura
67.     Ilkka Malin
68.     Pavel Hejra (scratch)
69.     Jim Hankins (scratch)
70.     Misha Kayanov (scratch)
71.     Micha Klimczak (scratch)
72.     Sébastien Lessard (scratch)

Open Doubles Net

1.      Patrick Schrickel / Florian Goetze
2.      Emmanuel Bouchard / PT Lovern
3.      J-F Lemieux / Ben Rochon
3.      Gilles Demers / Luc Legault
5.      Jani Markkanen / Tuomas Kärki
6.      François Pelletier / Renaud Fanoni
7.      Matti Pohjola / Oskari Forsten
8.      Thomas Förster / Yassin Khateeb
9.      Jack Harris / Jeremy Mirken
10.     Andy Ronald / Hannes Daniel
11.     Greg Lima / Arthur Ledain
12.     Martin Coté / Phil Lessard
13.     Yves Kreil / Antonio Fritsch
14.     Ales Pelko / Jaka Stare
15.     Jukka Peltola / Jesse Ruotsalainen
16.     Bruce Guettich / Peter Shunny
17.     Karim Daouk / Sébastien Duchesne
18.     Miquel Clemente / Nicolas de Zeeuw
19.     Eurik Lindner / Markus Kaspczak
20.     Yves Archambault / Tuan Vu
21.     Sasha Smirnov / Evgeni Shiryaev
22.     Iisak Liukko / Sakarias Liukko
23.     Lino Landau / Marc Brunet
24.     Vincent Rousseau / Grischa Tellenbach
25.     Markus Portenkirchner / Tammo Rockel
26.     Manuel Kruse / Simon Voss
27.     Alain Custovic / Yves Mingard
28.     Sébastien Maillet / Ludovic Lacaze
29.     Ville Laakso / Carlos Marquez
30.     Christian Bock / Errol Stryker
31.     Christian Bruhn / Hendrik Simon
32.     Maude Landreville / Sébastien Lessard
33.     Jonas Thull / Andreas Käfer
34.     Alexander Bartsch / David Fujimura
35.     Hakan Hellberg / Magnus Hellberg
36.     Arkandy Lobankov / Misha Kayanov
37.     Ullrich Haase / Lisa Uebele
38.     Jim Hankins / Micha Klimczak
39.     Justin Sexton / Milan Ardalic
40.     Julia Tikhomirova / Oxana Prikhodko
41.     Guillaume Degat / Sven Depoilly
42.     Ilkka Malin / Jani Liurko

Master�s Singles Net

1.      Peter Shunny
2.      Bruce Guettich
3.      Hakan Hellberg
4.      Vincent Rousseau
5.      PJ Daigle
6.      Ted Fritsch
7.      Magnus Hellberg

Master�s Doubles Net

1.      Vincent Rousseau / Nicolas de Zeeuw
2.      Hakan Hellberg / Magnus Hellberg
3.      PJ Daigle / Ted Fritsch
4.      Bruce Guettich / Peter Shunny (scratch)

Intermediate Singles Net

1.      Pavel Cerveny
2.      Ted Fritsch
3.      Janis Thal 

Intermediate Doubles Net

1.      Nakaleth �Charly� Franz / Lukas Zimmermann
2.      Pavel Cerveny / Peter Brocka
3.      Ted Fritsch / Robin Püchel

Freestyle Results 30th IFPA World Footbag Championships 2009 Berlin

Open Request Contest

1.	Milan Benda
2.	Bartek Bubula

Open 2-Square

1.	Wiktor Debski
2.	Szymon Kalwak
3.	Sebastien Duchesne
4.	Steve Goldberg
5.	Arek Dudzinski
5.	Michal Biarda
5.	Ianek Regimbald
5.	Kamil Wysocki

Open Golf

1.	Stephan Rautenberg
2.	Samuel Hufschmid
3.	Tuukka Antikainen

	Open Sick3-Trick

1.	Arkadiusz Dudzinski 44.9 (Beta Bedwetter > Fusion > Food Processor)
2.	Olaf Piwowar 44.4 (Fusion > Food Processor > Big Apple)
3.	Anssi Sundberg 43.2 (Scorpion´s Tail > Blurry Whirl > Vertigo)
4.	Marcin Bujko 42.8 (Spikehammer > Pixie Spinning Osis > Food Processor)
5.	Jan Weber 42.6 (Alpine Food Processor > Locomotion > Superfly)
6.	Nick Landes 42.2 (Nuclear Osis > Spinning Ducking Butterfly > Symp. Whirling
Swirling Dragon)
7.	Damian Gielnicki 42.1 (Sumo > Atomic Drifter > Gravedigger)
8.	Jay Boychuk 38.7 (Pixie Paradon > Blurry Whirl > Mobius)
9.	Jakub Grabarczyk 36.8 (Blurry Drifter > Matador > Pdx Torque)
10.	Michal Biarda 36.7 (Rooted Pixie Legover > Quantum Illusion > Pixie Dada Curve)
11.	Michal Ostrowski 34.8 (Fairy Ducking Butterfly > Pdx Torque > Pdx Blender)

Women's Open Shred:30		

1.	Tina Aeberli		194.50
2.	Lise Thygesen		129.65
3.	Verena Lenneis		119.23
4.	Hania Mickiewicz		101.25
5.	Karolina Modrzejewska		96.46

Open Shred:30		
1.	Milan Benda		262.00
2.	Arkadiusz Dudzinski		238.06
3.	Juho Marjo		226.45
4.	Mikko Lepistö		215.06
5.	Anssi Sundberg		207.09
6.	Olaf Piwowar		194.44
7.	Serge Kaldany		188.06
8.	Tuukka Antikainen		152.44
9.	Daniel Spacil		148.50
10.	Tuomas Riisalo		145.00
11.	Marcin Bujko		145.125

Intermediate Singles Freestyle 		
1.	Jan Drudga		
2.	Matt Bailey		
3.	Mike Brassel		
4.	Robin Püchel		
5.	Ted Fritsch		
6.	Sergio Hernandez		
7.	Stefan Semlitsch		
8.	Marek Wierzbicki		
Open Mixed Doubles Freestyle		
1.	Wiktor Debski/ Gosia Nycz		
2.	Tina Aeberli/ Arkadiusz Dudzinski		
3.	Samuel Hufschmid/ Isabelle Widmer		
4.	Kamil Wysocki/ Karolina Modrzejewska		
5.	Jakub Grabarczyk/ Dorota Wojtasiuk		
6.	Tomasz Ostrowski/ Malgorzata Oledzka		
7.	Paloma Mayo/Sergio Hernandez		
Open Doubles Freestyle		
1.	Tomas Tucek / Martin Sládek		
2.	Michał Ostrowski / Tomasz Ostrowski		
3.	Wiktor Debski / Gosia Nycz 		
4.	Jakub Grabarczyk / Damian Gielnicki		
5.	Andreas Hoffmann / Dominik Knoll		
6.	Jan Struz / Pavel Cerveny		
Women's Open Singles Freestyle		
1.	Tina Aeberli		
2.	Lise Thygesen		
3.	Karolina Modrzejewska		
4.	Jana Sassakova		
5.	Sylwia Kocyk		
6.	Oxana Prikhodko		

Open Singles Freestyle		

1.	Václav Klouda	
2.	Damian Gielnicki	
3.	Jan Weber	
4.	Milan Benda	
5.	Juho Marjo	
6.	Anssi Sundberg	
7.	Philip Morrison	
8.	Bartek Bubula	


The Footbag Conspiracy Footstar Berlin is very proud to be hosting the 30th Worlds in the German capital and our beloved hometown, Berlin. Ten years after the now legendary first European Masters (1999 in Berlin), we are happy that the international footbag scene will return to our city to celebrate the next season's biggest footbag tournament.

We are trying our best to make these Worlds very special for all players and guests, and we invite all of you to become part of the experience.

The official website with all important info is now online at http://www.footbag.org/worlds2009/

For now, we can inform you that, in order to compete, we will require pre-payment and pre-registration for all events from all competitors. There will be no exceptions. There will not be late/on-site registration at all. Only guests will be able to do so, but will have to pay an extra fee.

The registration fee will be a flat rate for everyone -- intermediates, open competitors, and guests -- regardless of how many events you want to participate in.

The tournament will start on Sunday, July 19, with the intermediate qualifications, and the rest of the events will begin on Monday, July 20. The event will officially conclude on Saturday, July 25. On Sunday, July 26, our local arrangements team will ensure optimal conditions so that you all will have an opportunity to casually shred and spike.

We are organizing accommodation for everyone's needs and budgets. Please wait for the official information on the website before booking anything! All of the options will be within very close reach of the event sites. Our hope is that you will not have to use public transportation at all.

We also hereby announce the official Worlds 2009 Video Contest. We will accept all footbag-related videos sent in through July 1, 2009, for the competition. We reserve the right to decide which videos to show at the public screening at Worlds if too many are sent in. The best three will be judged and awarded there. Start filming now!

Once again, we are really really looking forward to Worlds and meeting all of you again for a week of crazy footbag action and fun in the summer of 2009!

Book now!

all info now at:


Created Friday, November 14th, 2008, 08:21am (PST); last update Friday, September 11th, 2009, 05:20am (PDT).
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