New Years Footbag Jam '08

Event Listing

Event Details:
10AM to 4PM All 3 Days at McCormick Place Site

New Year's Jam - Midwest - December 27-29, 2008
-Saturday, Sunday and Monday
-10 to 4, All three days
-Free to All Spectators!
-Rooms at the Hyatt (not a requirement), usually $300+, only $83
    (See details below.)

Come out and shred with us!  
    -Footbag Net Demonstrations

Our primary focus is to reach out to specators!  We need to staff a booth
that is dedicated to the footbag experience.  Our demonstrations are a
time-structured event with 15-minute footbag demonstrations running on the
hour and an interactive area where kids learn to play footbag.

We are looking for volunteers to help with teaching the interested spectators
how to play footbag.  

We would like our expert players to prepare a 15-minute footbag demo that they
will perform on our stage as a part of the event.

This event is free for spectators, but in order to give out a footbag to
each of the spectators that try the sport we are trying to raise money to 
purchase footbags to give away over the weekend.

We are asking a voluntary donation of $10 or more from each player, and if you
know anyone who would like to donate over $100 to go directly to providing
footbags for each participant, we can arrange donations to be tax-deductible through

This year's event takes place at McCormick Place in Chicago (as a part
of "Holiday Sports Festival"), Illinois on December 27-29.  

The Holiday Sports Fest is an event designed to introduce all kinds of
sports to the general public, and each sport has an interactive area where
kids can try them out.  Some sports also have major tournaments going on,
such as Volleyball, Soccer and 3-on-3 Basketball (and now, Footbag).

With Free Admission and discounted parking for the event, this is a great event
to bring the family to.

I want to thank the generous sponsors who I anticipate will be on board
this year: Freedom Footbags and Foot-C Net.  Regardless of whether they
sponsor the event, we are greatful that they have shown such consistent
support of the sport of footbag over the years, and I believe they deserve
such recognition.

-Friday:  Sick 1, Sick 3 
-Saturday:  4 Square, Circle Competition
                    Novice Tricks & Consecutives Challenge
-Sunday:    Rippin' Run

Hotel Info:

 2233 S. Martin L. King Dr.
 Chicago, IL 60616-9985

Connected to the event site through tunnels, this hotel is an AWESOME deal
for only $83 a night!  Be sure to tell them you are with the "Mayor's Holiday
Sports Festival".  Last year, there were rooms available at the last minute,
but no guarantees on that... so call them direct NOW at:
Tel: +1 312 567 1234 and ask for Reservations.  Be sure to identify yourself as someone
reservations for the Holiday Sports Festival to get the super-low rate!

If the website doesn't answer your questions, 
contact me directly.

Check for discussion about this event.

See ya there!

Scott Davidson
Created Monday, October 6th, 2008, 08:34am (PDT); last update Monday, October 6th, 2008, 08:34am (PDT).
Copyright © 2025, International Footbag Players' Association, Inc., a U.S. 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. All rights reserved. PRIVACY POLICY DONATE NOW