Andrew Coleman's Foot-tastic Extravaganza

Tournament Results

Andrew Coleman's Foot-tastic Extravaganza


Matthew A. Johns

Nashville, TN
Bicentennial Mall
Nashville, Tennessee, USA
Host Club:
Events Offered:
Shred + Net + Disc Freestyle

Manually Entered Results

a good time. 

Related Photos:
ATTENTION: LOCATION OF THE EVENT HAS BEEN CHANGED TO BICENTENNIAL MALL! When I first heard that Andrew Coleman was moving to Nashville I wanted to throw a party, then I thought of something better... a footbag jam. This is going to be pretty informal, but I figure we can at least make this statewide. So come on down to witness the nastiest shredders in the Southeast: Andrew Coleman & Lee Van Sickle. The net action will also be dazzling with some extra help from the South's dirtiest footbag club for two generations... Memphis Footworks.
Event Details:
Event Schedule:
Noon - people show up & kick
Sunset - people stop kicking 
Party at my place afterwards w/ ping pong, darts & SEGA.

Event Location: We decided to throw this shin-dig next 
to the Farmers Market because there's plenty of room to
kick & tons more shade than the other park has to offer.
Also, you can get fantastic food from the market right 
across the street. Explore the link that's posted at the 
top of the page for more details about merchants & 
restaurants that are at the Bicentennial Mall every week.  

If you need crash space contact me & we'll set you up. 

This event will be held outdoors, & for those who don't know it gets 
hot in TN. So please be sure to bring plenty of water & sun screen.
Created Monday, April 28th, 2008, 02:04pm (PDT); last update Sunday, March 15th, 2009, 09:01pm (PDT).
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