2008 Australian Freestyle Footbag Championships

Event Listing

2008 Australian Freestyle Footbag Championships


Daniel Boyle

E-mail: daniel.boyle@gmail.com
Alias: boyle@footbag.org
Phone: 0474814806
Hackett, ACT
Canberra, Act
Union Court, ANU
Canberra, ACT, Australia
Host Club:
Events Offered:
routines, sick 3, shred 30
2008 sees the Australian Championships head to Canberra for the first time. The event will be held in Garema Place, right in the heart of the capital over the Easter weekend. Competition day will be on Saturday March 22, with a footbag fun day being held on March 24, giving people a chance to come and try footbag with circle kicking, four square, footbag net, sepak takraw and footbag golf. A freestyle footbag kit will be up for grabs, thanks to WFA (www.worldfootbag.com) as well as a number of bags from Lotus at Elemental Footbags with more prizes being negotiated. On Sunday March 23 the footbag players will try and avenge their loss to the local Tasmanians in cricket, by beating a group of Canberra's finest. More details to come shortly!
Event Details:
Canberra is the capital of Australia, located 3 hours south of Sydney via the
Hume and Federal Higways. Regular flights and bus services are available from
all major cities.
Created Saturday, December 15th, 2007, 08:04pm (PST); last update Thursday, March 6th, 2008, 07:43pm (PST).
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