2007 Knoxville Footbag Jam

Event Listing

2007 Knoxville Footbag Jam


Jason T. Mann

E-mail: Hsway8484@gmail.com
Alias: JasonMann@footbag.org
Knoxville, TN
Market Square
Knoxville, Tennessee, USA
Events Offered:
This freestyle Jam will be more of a social event than a serious tournament. We want to
introduce ourselves to the other clubs in our region, and get a good shred in too. We plan
on holding a ?Big Three? contest (we are working on prizes) and there will definitely be a
little four-square action. Come on down to East Tennessee where the fall weather is great
and the scenery is fantastic?..just remember to bring your kickin? shoes.
Created Wednesday, October 3rd, 2007, 06:56pm (PDT); last update Wednesday, October 3rd, 2007, 06:56pm (PDT).
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