2007 Montreal Footbag Championships

Tournament Results

2007 Montreal Footbag Championships


Yves Archambault

E-mail: prokicker@outlook.com
Alias: yevez@footbag.org
Phone: (514) 845-2194
7381, De Bordeaux
Montréal, Qc
Montréal, QC, Canada
Events Offered:
Singles and Doubles net. Novice, Intermediate and Open 
levels will be offered depending on the number of players 
in each one.

Manually Entered Results

Open Doubles

1- Gilles Demers / François Depatie-Pelletier
2- John Leys / Eric Wulff 
3- Yves Archambault / Patrick Asswad 
4- Emmanuel Bouchard / Robert Lavigne
5- Luc Legault / Philippe Lessard

Open Singles 

1- Emmanuel Bouchard 
2- PT Lovern 
3- Martin Côté
4- Yves Archambault 
5- Gilles Demers

Intermediate Doubles

1- Pierre Frigon / Julien T 
2- Jean-François Bélanger / Antoin Benhini 
3- Félix-Antoine Guérard / Robert Vaillancourt

Intermediate Singles

1- Pierre Frigon
2- Robert Vaillancourt 
3- Jean-François Bélanger

For complete results, pictures and videos go to the tournament home page at:

Event Details:
The Pro Kicker Impact Footbag will be provided in case of players disagreements up to the
semi-finals. It will be mandatory in the semis and finals. A lot of location changes will
occur during the tournament make sure to visit the tournament web page at:
http://www.prokicker.ca/eng/mtl_07.htm for the latest changes.
Created Tuesday, May 22nd, 2007, 03:57pm (PDT); last update Thursday, August 2nd, 2007, 04:20am (PDT).
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