Greater Rochester Area Shred Symposium and RIT Juggle-in

Event Listing

Greater Rochester Area Shred Symposium and RIT Juggle-in


Chris John Dean

Portland, OR
Rochester Institute of Technology
Rochester, New York, USA
Events Offered:
Circle Competition, Big 3, Ten, Weird Trick
GREATER ROCHESTER AREA SHRED SYMPOSIUM!!!!! the dates of the event are Friday April 27th through Sunday April 29th. This is the third year of GRASS and a whopping 30th anniversary year of the juggle in. Organized this year primarily by Jeff Peden and the RIT juggling club, there is a huge list of amazing preformers from all over the world for the show on saturday night. You can get all the pertinent information for accomidations, hotel rates, restaurant information, campus maps and anything else you're interested in for the event at this link:
Event Details:
The official website of the RIT Juggle-in, which is hosting GRASS, can be found here:

Many many excellent bags from world renowned stitchers including (but not limited to)
Richard Abshire, Waylon Lew, Matt Cross, Pipenberg, Aidan, Technokicks, and more!

*****HOTEL INFO*****
Radisson Inn on the Campus
175 Jefferson Road
phone: 585-475-1910
single -or- double: $76
*Tell them you are with RIT

Other hotels nearby can be found here:


Friday Apr 27th

friday afternoon Arrival time

open shred and juggling at the clark gymnasium

10:30-sleep time
party, unsure exactly where yet but its in the works

Saturday Apr 28th

open shred and juggling, competition sign up
clark gym

1:30 pm
players meeting

competitions, circle, sick 3, weird 1, TEN

5:00pm (tentative time, depends on juggling competition and workshop timing) open level
circle competition finals, highlighted over PA system for maximum spectatorship (maybe
routines by bevier, jorden and dave)

6:30 pm
pack up and head to juggling show

after show until late at night, we'll have a shred and party spot nearby so we can play
late into the night.

Sunday, Apr 29th

10:00 am til 2:00pm open shred and juggling in clark gym
Created Wednesday, April 4th, 2007, 10:51pm (PDT); last update Wednesday, April 4th, 2007, 10:51pm (PDT).
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