The FC Footstar Berlin, Germany's oldest Footbag Club, would proudly like to
announce one of this year's hottest Footbag Events - the IFPA GERMAN FOOTBAG
OPEN 05, in the wonderful city of Berlin!
The GFO will finally return to their origin and we've been working hard to
make this the big event we want it to be. June 17th-19th you can Expect 3
days of hardcore Footbag Action and partying at Berlin's coolest party and
chill spots, very cheap accomodation (5euros per night) as well as lots of
good and inexpensive food (ask anyone who's been here before ;)!
Disciplines offered will be net - open singles and doubles , freestyle -
men, women and doubles, shred
and sick 3.
Some things I would also like to mention why it will be worth the trip:
All event sites will be very closeby: We have an outdoor soccer
field + a gym, where people can sleep and where net will take place. These
are very
close to the YAAM area, which is a big chilloutclub adjacent to the Berlin
River "Spree", The concert hall is also part of the yaam as well as the
awesome "swimming" swimming pool in the river (!), which will be open all
through Saturday and Sunday.
Don't forget it'll be mid-june, hot and lit until
Also Berlin rocks in so many ways - its diversity, multi-ethnicity,
culture, party culture, I could go on forever ;)
So I hope the GFO will find a place in your personal footbagcalendar, you
don't wanna miss them !
More detailed information soon on www.fcfootstar.de and tournament website
within the next 2 weeks on www.gfo05.de !!!
if you'd like to take a look at the swimming pool,
here you go
Please register right away,
here at footbag.org!!!!!
Event Details:
Here's the detailed schedule:
15.00-17.00 early registration at OSZ Handel
17.00-open end - Open Singles Net preliminary rounds at OSZ
20.00-Special Dinner - barbecue in one of Berlins most beautiful parks
23.00- Party at "Abart Club"
10.00-12.30 registration at YAAM
11.00-18.00 Open Singles and Doubles Net preliminary rounds at OSZ
13.00-16.00 Open Freestyle qualifications at YAAM
16.00-17.00 Women Freestyle qualifications at YAAM
17.00-18.00 Doubles Freestyle qualifications at YAAM
18.00-19.00 Dinner for everyone at YAAM and OSZ
19.00-21.00 last Net qualifications if needed
19.00-20.30 Open Freestyle Semi-Finals
20.00-21.00 The "Arena" opens with laid-back reggae-tunes
21.00-21.20 Women Freestyle Finals
21.30-21.50 Doubles Freestyle Finals
22.00-22.30 Open Freestyle Finals
22.30 1st Part of big Concert
23.15 Award Ceremony
23.30 Concert resumes
01.00 Open end Party with "Redemption Sound"
outside at the Badeschiff drum'n'bass with Drums'n'Freaks all night long
12.00-14.00 Net Semifinals if not finished on Saturday
14.00 YAAM opens
16.00-18.30 Net Finals
17.00 Shred:30
18.30 Sick3/Sick Trick
19.00 Award Ceremony
Created Wednesday, January 19th, 2005, 02:27pm (PST); last
update Wednesday, May 11th, 2005, 10:25am (PDT).