The Swissjam #15 "Scrambling Feet" will literally kick off the Freestyle
Choreography Workshop held by planetfootbag and the Swiss Footbag
Association on January 22nd and 23rd.
Zürich's best breakdance crews will meet the Swiss shred scene in the
Dynamo. Beats will be provided by none other that Switzerlands premier She
DJane Mad Madam.
The Jam will hopefully combine the spirits of both freestyle footbag and
breakdancing and we'll be able to see the best of both worlds in a single
The Party on Friday night is open for all, so it's a true SwissJam. The
workshop starting Saturday morning is then limited to those players who have
registered (see seperate event listing). But we will provide a sleeping
place for any player who joins us on Friday.
Created Wednesday, November 17th, 2004, 07:47am (PST); last
update Wednesday, November 17th, 2004, 07:47am (PST).