Brisbane City Sessions September Jam 2004

Event Listing

Brisbane City Sessions September Jam 2004


Ian D. Pritchard

Phone: 0411 547 394
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Events Offered:
At this stage its just a footbag jam, shredding at 
different spots around Brisbane. A couple of events like 
Sick3 or Shred30 may eventuate, to give people practice in 
competition without the pressure. Just an excuse to get 
together and kick!
Brisbane City Sessions presents the September 2004 Footbag Jam in sunny Brisbane, Queensland. This will be a relaxed, fun jam for people from all over to get together and shred, without the pressure of competition etc. Around 10 people are already confirmed to attend, including big Aussie name Dan Ednie.

Kicks will take place at various locations in the city across the weekend, as will partying and freestyle video watching. Contact the host for more information: Gareth Williams, BCS. Email: kiser_tobias at hotmail dot com More information can be found at The message board is home to many attendees.

Hope to see you there!

Event Details:
Contact Gareth about possibilities for crash space at his place over the 
weekend. Locations for kicks will also be known closer to the event date.
Kicking will take place from Friday until Sunday OFFICIALLY, however several 
freestylers will be in Brisbane until Tuesday and Wednesday of the following 
Created Monday, August 30th, 2004, 07:31pm (PDT); last update Monday, August 30th, 2004, 07:47pm (PDT).
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