Since its our national championship, anyone can register, but only hungarians
can take prices in the main categories (not in shred and sick 3). We would
take them anyway, so doesn't matter :-)
The contest will be in a new open skatepark in the city center, with bleachers
There will be skateboard, snakeboardand, breakdance shows and maybe more.
Write me if you would do judgeing! (
Registeration until 13.00
Event Details:
Converse Skate Park, XII. Csörsz u. (In front of Mom Park shopping center,
behind the tennis courts)
There is limited homestay at players house. Contact me:
For hostel check: / summer hostels (choose "bakfark" or "hill")
Created Wednesday, August 11th, 2004, 04:28am (PDT); last
update Wednesday, August 11th, 2004, 04:28am (PDT).