Swiat Zoski

Tournament Results

Swiat Zoski


Antek Szczeniowski

E-mail: aszczeniowski@gmail.com
Alias: szczeniu@footbag.org
Phone: 0048 509450245
ul.Komuny paryskiej 24-26 m.14
Site(s) TBA
Wroclaw, Poland
Events Offered:
Freestyle:Pro, Intermediate, Woman, Double,Shred30, 
Net: Double, Single

Manually Entered Results

Kadra Narodowa PSF na 2004rok.

Open Freestyle Pro
3.Kamil Wysocki Kierpca ze Słupska
2.Hubert Godlewski Godi ze Szczecina
1.Damian Budzik Budzik z Wrocławia

Open Double Freestyle
2. Damian Budzik & Piotr Abramowicz z Wrocławia
1. Michał Ostrowski & Tomek Ostrowski ze Strzelina

Open Woman Freestyle
2.Patrycja Szczeniowska z Wrocławia
1. Hania Mickiewicz z Wrocławia

Intermediate Single Freestyle
1.Adam Dziewior z Wrocławia

Intermediate Double Net
2.Piotr Kuriata & Maciek Szymanowski z Wrocławia
1.Piotr Kościelny & Maciek Samborowski z Warszawy

Intermediate Single Net
2.Tomasz Kociołkowski z Warszawy
1.Łukasz Osiński z Wrocławia

This event is totaly footbag media attack. Becouse footbag have start to be very, very popular in Poland lot's of people start to make buissnes on it whitout any profit for sport. We have decided to make Hard promotion battle against it. So VivaTv is official media patron of event.100 spots and transmition from event(nice), if all works maby footbag will stay there as regular tv program. So keep fingers on it. and Keep Kicking for Ever !!

Event Details:
this will be two days event, with net and freestyle commpetitions.

We should run with official website soon, but here are few basic infos.
5March2004: freestyle qualifications and net contest.
Place: Inwest Sport, Wrocław
ul. Kozanowska 69, osiedle Kozanów
from 11am-6pm.

6March2004: Freestyle finals winers decoration..party
Klub WZ, Wrocław
Pl. Wolności 7
from 10am-8pm.
afterparty till morning.

Fees:registration 10pln
each event discipline 5pln

accomodation in hostel 35pln night.
Created Monday, January 19th, 2004, 03:28am (PST); last update Monday, March 8th, 2004, 01:31am (PST).
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