Australian East Coast Regionals

Tournament Results

Australian East Coast Regionals


Brendan James Erskine

Phone: +61 9537 0117
Melbourne, Victoria
State Library
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Host Club:
Events Offered:
Open: 2 minute routines, shred 30, sic 3
Intermediate: 1.5 Minute routine, sic 3
Unofficial Sic 1
?? 5 minute consecutive.

Manually Entered Results

Australian East Coast Footbag Championships 2003 


5 Minute Consecutive Kicks 

1. Dyalan Govender - 412 
2. Dan Ednie - 375 
3. Ian Pritchard - 357 
4. Katrina Schultz - 242 

Intermediate Sick Trick 
1. Dylan Govender - pixie parradon 

Intermediate Sick Three (sorry, the actual combos got lost somewhere) 
1. Mark Roberts 
2. Dyalan Govender 
3. Ian Pritchard 

Intermediate Shred 30 (2 add and up unique) 
1. Ian Pritchard - 51.7 
2. Mark Roberts - 49.5 
3. Scott K (sorry, I can't spell your last name) - 48.8 

Intermediate Routines 
1. Scott K 
2. Ian Pritchard 
3. Dyalan Govender 

Open Sick Trick 
1. Brendan Erskine - Helical mirage (frigid osis set sailing mirage) 

Open Sick Three 
1. Lynton Stephens - legbeater>blurriest>paradox torque 
2. Dan Ednie - ripwalk>blurry whirl>PS whirl 
3. Jeremy O'Wheel - parkwalk>ripwalk>PS whirl 

Open Shred 30 
1. Dan Ednie - 137.5 
2. Jeremy O'Wheel - 117.1 
3. Brendan Erskine - 80.3 

Open Routines 
1. Lynton Stephens 
2. Dan Ednie 
3. Jon Lee 
= Jeremy O'Wheel 

Thank Yous 
Huge Thanks to Forrester and for sponsoring the event and 
for being such a big help with so much stuff despite various problems. 
Thanks also to Lynton, Brendan, and Scott for all their help organizing the 
event. Thanks to Dan and Lynton for helping out with accommodation and also to 
Jill and Christian for putting up with it. Thanks to Nick for lending me a bed. 
Big thanks to the Katrina, Tamara and Sheena for making the trip from Adelaide, 
and to Ian, Dyalan and Mark for coming down form Sydney. Thanks to Channel Nine 
News for covering the event. Thanks also Harvey, Wade, Stephen, Wendy, 
Stephen's dad, Raymond, Steve R, everybody else who deserves a thank you, my 
little toe and the old man and his ice cream. 


This is a moderate-sized tournament aimed at congregating all the freestyle players on the Eastern board of Australia. Other kickers from the West (Adelaide and Perth) are more than welcome however. The three big clubs (MFC, Sydney Uni, and Brisbane city sessions) will be represented. We are expected the best in Australia to be attending. This tournament will also serve as a run-through for the Australasian championships which is being held in Melbourne FEB 2004. The first day (27th) will be the day of competition, with the big shred day being the Sunday (28th) There will be plenty of shred, 4 square, and digital footage.
Event Details:
Accomodation will be with the MFC crew. There is limited room, so please call 
early to ensure you get accomodation.
The State Library basically right in the Middle of Melbourne. Easiest way 
there is to Melbourne Central station and up the escalators.
Created Thursday, August 21st, 2003, 01:04am (PDT); last update Saturday, October 4th, 2003, 08:25am (PDT).
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