19th Annual Midwest Regional Championships and Exhibition

Tournament Results

19th Annual Midwest Regional Championships and Exhibition


Scott Davidson

Alias: enlightener@footbag.org
Phone: Email for current #
Willow Springs, IL
McCormick Place, Chicago
Chicago, Illinois, USA
Events Offered:
Singles Freestyle, :30 Second Shred, Phat Trick, Sick Three, Free Foot-C 
Net Competition, Singles and Doubles Net Exhibitions, Free Clinics, Free 
Novice Freestyle Jam Competition

Manually Entered Results

The freestyle portion of the event was a huge success!  We had a great sound system courtesy of 
Communications Direct.  Our "Clif Bar / Quizno's Footbag Challenge" was also a huge success, 
giving out almost 700 Clif Bars and Quizno's Coupons to over 400 participants, the great majority 
of which we were introducing the sport to for the first time.  Additionally we gave out over 55 
footbags, courtesy of WorldFootbag.com and FreedomFootbags.com.  We had a great time playing 
Foot-C Net over the weekend too!  Unfortunately, we did not have enough floor space to support 
the planned net portion of the event.  When we arrived, the net floor wasn't set-up as planned, so 
the net players went outside to play and then failed to show up on Sunday and Monday to 
demonstrate the net game, even though we had to beg and plead to get them an indoor floor.  

On Saturday we ran a free Novice competition to encourage new players to compete by offering our 
"Circle Jamz" freestyle competition and Footbag Consecutives competition.  I have included the 
Novice results at the bottom of this list.  The Open and Intermediate competitions ran on Saturday 
and Sunday, we all had a blast!  Oh, and we finished on time each day!!!!

Open Singles Freestyle
1st Place    Scott Davidson
2nd Place   Greg Nelson
3rd Place    Keaton Halley

Open Shred :30 Contest
1st Place    Scott Davidson
2nd Place   Greg Nelson
3rd Place    Juan Rangel

Open Phat Trick Contest
1st Place    Jeremy Mirken (Fury)
2nd Place   Scott Davidson (Tripping Twirl)
3rd Place    Juan Rangel (Whirlwind)

Open Sick Three Contest
1st Place    Scott Davidson

Intermediate Singles Freestyle
1st Place    Eric Seigel
2nd Place   Mark Schwartz
3rd Place    Mike Hanson
4th Place    Reid ?? (from Highland Park)

Intermediate Shred :30 Contest
1st Place    Eric Reiley
2nd Place   Jeremy Mirken
3rd Place   Tim Werner

Novice "Circle Jamz" Competition
1st Place    Will Rockey
2nd Place   Eugene Tereshemko
3rd Place    Milojko Dobrijevich
4th Place    Veso Stojic

Novice Consecutives Competition (Best rally during 3 minute time span)
1st Place   Will Rockey (317)
2nd Place  Milajko Dobrijevich(206)
3rd Place  Derrick Jensen (203)

Women's Novice Consecutives
1st Place Elizabeth Bengston (128)

Thanks to everyone who helped to make this event a great success!  

Best regards,
Scott Davidson

Related Photos:
Event Details:
The 19th Annual Midwest Regional Championships and Exhibition is taking place at McCormick

Place in Chicago (as a part of "Holiday Sports Festival"), Illinois on December 27-29. 
competition will all take place on Saturday, December 27th and Sunday the 28th... Monday
is "all 
shred, all day, please join us on Monday the 29th of December for footbag exhibitions, 
demonstrations, clinics and random shred sessions all day.
Saturday and Sunday will be competition all day for all levels of play, and over $1,000.00
purse for the pro's .  Monday will be a big shred day for everyone!

Check out photo's of last years event!  www.footbag.org/gallery/showset/USOpenGroup
Sponsors include: Quizno's Subs, Foot-C Net, Freedom Footbags (footbag.tv), World Footbag

Association (worldfootbag.com), Shred Corps Clothing, Clif Bar and Communications Direct.

We are going to have an interactive site at the "Holiday Sports Fest" and we are looking
people to help us to run the "instructional" part of the event.  We are still looking for
helpers. By 
helping, you won't be subjecting yourself to full days of tyrannical work schedules,
rather you 
will be a part of a team of people who will be presenting our sport to the children of the
City of 
Chicago, in shifts, from Noon to 5 on Sunday and Monday.  We are running a "Clif Bar
Challenge" where we invite kids to first sign a waiver, then try kicking a footbag.  If
they get 25 
kicks in a row, they win a footbag but they get a Clif Bar just for trying, while supplies

We are also running a fun event on Monday ("All Shred") that will ensure that all entrants
get to 
shred with all of our top professionals, including many BAP members.  We will have
shred circles" with 1 pro per circle and a rotation schedule, with loud music and fun for

The larger event we are a part of, "Mayors Holiday Sports Festival" is designed to 
introduce all kinds of sports to the general public, and each sport has an interactive
area where 
kids can try them out.  Some sports also have major tournaments going on, such as
Soccer and 3-on-3 Basketball (and now, Footbag).  With Free Parking and Free Admission to
event, this is a great event to bring the family to.

The Second Annual U.S. Open Footbag Freestyle Championships (IFPA
Sanctioned) has been retitled as the 19th Annual Midwest Regional Championships and 
Exhibition because I was unable to run both events this year.

Entry Fees:
Novice (First Timers): Free (No T-Shirt, but discounted shirts available for Novices)
Intermediate: $25 All Events
Pro: $50 All Events

Hotel Info:
HYATT REGENCY CHICAGO -  2233 S. Martin L. King Dr. - Chicago, Illinois 60616-9985.
Connected to the event site through tunnels, this hotel is an AWESOME deal for only $75 a

night!  Be sure to tell them you are with the "Mayors Holiday Sports Festival".  Last year
were rooms available at the last minute, but no guarantees on that... so call them direct
NOW at:                                                             
Tel: +1 312 567 1234 and ask for Reservations.

See ya there!

Scott Davidson
Created Monday, August 18th, 2003, 06:20am (PDT); last update Tuesday, December 30th, 2003, 09:37am (PST).
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