Shred Zero Inner City Jam

Event Listing

Shred Zero Inner City Jam


Brian Johnson

Regina, Saskatchewan
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Host Club:
Events Offered:
Just a Jam!
Hey, The intent of this jam is to get all the little groups of players around the city into one big club. We'll get some new players started on freestyle, and maybe even hook some people up with bags. There won't be any competing going on, just alot of shred. If you're in or around the city on October 18th feel free to check this out. Anyone is welcome, even if you have no idea what freestyle is :) Thanks, e-mail me if you are interested
Event Details:
The event will be located at the UofC at 2:00 PM on Saturday Oct, 18. 2003. 
We will be playing somewhere outside of the east entrance to the kinesiology 
complex, around where the statues are holding up the archway. The weather is 
foracast to be quite nice, so HOPEFULLY we will get to play outside. If not 
there are numerous hallways we can kick in, all around the kinesiology 
complex. It's nothing official so we arn't worrying to much about that type 
of thing. If your in the Calgary area and would like to come out please feel 
Created Monday, August 4th, 2003, 08:59pm (PDT); last update Monday, October 13th, 2003, 03:44pm (PDT).
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