Footbag Net, Freestyle, Golf, Consecutives. All levels and categories depending on the turnout.
2003 Texas State Footbag Championships Results: Freestyle ? 30 second shred 1. Ellis Piltz, Montreal 2. James Gilbert, Austin 3. Andrew Koller- Austin 4. Mike Lopez ? San Antonio 5. Juan Sanchez- San Antonio 6. Curtis Taylor ? Houston 7. Windsen Pan ? Houston 8. Jose' Cocolan ? San Antonio 9. James Roberts ? Dallas Freestyle ? Open 1. Ellis Piltz 2. James Roberts 3. Andrew Koller 4. Derric Scalf ? Dallas 5. Michael Lopez 6. Jose' Cocolan 7. Juan Sanchez 8. James Geraci ? Austin 9. Windsen Pan - Houston 10. James Gilbert - Austin 11. Josh Bast ? San Antonio 12. Mike Stokely- Houston Freestyle ? Intermediate 1. Steven Sevilla ? Houston 2. Monica Sandoval ? Dallas 3. Jocelyn Sandoval ? Dallas Women's Freestyle 1. Monica Sandoval ? Dallas DFC 2. Jocelyn Sandoval - Dallas DFC Footbag Net Open Singles 1. Chris Siebert ? DC 2. Tim Vozar ? Houston 3. James Harley ? SC Open Doubles 1. Chris Siebert/James Harley 2. James Roberts/Craig Lord - DFC 3. Tina Lewis/Kelly Kelley Mixed Doubles 1. Chris Siebert/Heather Thomas 2. James Harley/Tina Lewis 3. Craig Lord/Sam Conlon Women's Doubles 1. Tina Lewis/Kelly Kelley 2. Heather Thomas/Sam Conlon Women's Singles 1. Tina Lewis ? Austin 2. Heather Thomas ? 3. Kelly Kelley 4. Sam Conlon Intermediate Singles Net 1. Josh Bast 2. Alex Spears 3. Carl Cavazos Intermediate Doubles Net Alex Spears/Carl Cavazos Rebecca Hendrix/Jocelyn Sandoval Open Golf 1. James Roberts 2. Eric Burgess 3. Mike Gatewood Intermediate Golf 1. Carl Cavazos 2. Mike Stokely 3. Alex Spears Women's Golf 1. Rebecca Hendrix Open Consecutives 1. Jeff Wells 532 2. Tina Lewis 521 (Women's 1st) 3. Josh Bast 490 (Intermediate 1st)
THE TEXAS FOOTBAG LEAGUE (TFL) Austin Style Footbag Club Dallas Footbag Club & Houston Skyliners Footbag Club present the Texas State Footbag Championships October 18 & 19, 2003 9:00* a.m. til dark Zilker Park, Austin, Texas Saturday & Sunday Barton Springs Road, Rugby/Soccer Field, near the entrance to Barton Springs Pool and Zilker Playscape *Late Registration begins ? 9:00 Saturday Morning at the Site Player's Meeting and Net Matches at - 9:30 Events include: Footbag Net - Mixed Doubles, Doubles, Freestyle, Golf and 5 minute-timed consecutives Entry Fee: Pro: $20.00 Intermediate: $15.00 Novice: FREE !!! - this is a fun casual event for players of all skill levels from none to pro FREE FOR SPECTATORS & NOVICE (1st Tournament) Sponsored by: Flipsider ? Freedom Footbags ? Redman Footbags Sanctioned by: Visit For Information: TinaLewis - (512) 336-5759