Colorado Shred Symposium 4

Tournament Results

Colorado Shred Symposium 4


Rick Reese

Phone: 970-388-6498
Po box 0811
Fort Collins, CO
O.D.'s Sports Crossing
Fort Collins, Colorado, USA
Host Club:
Events Offered:
Open Shred, Women's Shred, Intermediate Shred, BIG 3, Sick 
Trick, Most Rippin' Run.

Manually Entered Results

Let's just say that CSS4 was the BOMB!!! Thanks to all our sponsors, including 
IFPA, WFA, Freedom Footbags, Tynan's Nissan/Kia, O.D.'s Sports Crossing, The 
Wright Life, Burt's Shirts, The Rocky Mountain Bullhorn & Noah Sports for their 
support! In addition, thanks to all the first-time tournament attendees; we had 
a TON of new shredders on the scene, as well as a world-class lineup of 
Colorado Shred Symposium veterans...

Except for running a **little** behind schedule on Sunday and a crummy 
microphone, the tournament was a success. Thanks a lot to O.D.'s Sports 
Crossing for providing THE BEST venue for our event. If you can't make it to 
Prague this year for world's, then make your plans for CSS5!!! We will host 
this tournament next year, with even bigger and better plans--already in the 

Enough chatter, let's get to some results!

We had competitions in Intermediate, Women's and Open Shred :30 as well as Sik 
Trik, BIG 3, and The Most Rippin' Run (the crowd favorite).

Intermediate Shred :30 (one round - 2's counted as unique)
1st) Ricky Moran: Bothell, WA - 121.35
2nd) Juan Sanchez: San Antonio, TX - 95.52
3rd) Mike Lopez: San Antonio, TX -86.64
4th) Shannon Anderson: Fort Collins, CO - 73.7
5th) Dylan Johnson (11 years old): Westminster, CO - 64.04

Women's Shred :30
1st) Jane Jones
2nd) Melissa Schneider
3rd) Sunny Freeman-Genz

Open Shred :30 -- Final Round Scoring (first round was seeding)
1st) Lon Smith: Grass Valley, CA (3-peat) - 201.6 (24 uniques)
2nd) Jim Penske: Rexburg, ID - 176.0
3rd) Allan Haggett: Victoria, BC - 167.63
4th) Greg Nelson: Ann Arbor, MI - 145.7
5th) Sunil Jani: San Francisco, CA - 144.0
6th) Peter Irish: College Park, MD - 141.17
7th) Scott Davidson: Chicago, IL - 141.0
8th) Daryl Genz: Westminster, CO - 134.08
9th) Rick Reese: Fort Collins, CO - 122.78
10th) Justin Dale: Seattle, WA - 73.14

BIG 3 (2 Rounds - If a BIG 3 was hit in first round, then moved on to finals)

BIG 3 Round 1:
1st) Sunil Jani: High-Stepping Butterfly, P. Dragonflier, Eggbeater
2nd) Daryl Genz: P. Legbeater, Sumo (P. Atomsmasher), Pixie Ducking Butterfly
3rd) Ethan Husted: Blurriest, P. DLO, Pixie Whirl
4th) Allan Hagget: Fog, Legbeater, P. Torque
5th) Jim Penske: P. Legbeater, Blurry Whirl, P. Torque
6th) Peter Irish: Blurry Whirl, P. Troque, P.S. Whirl
7th) Lon Smith: Double-Spinning Clipper, Mobius, Ducking Osis
8th) Justin Dale: Blurry Dragonflier, Ducking Butterfly, P.S. Whirl
9th) Tuan Vu: Blurry Whirl, Spinning Butterfly, Paradox Torque
10th) Scott Davidson: Stepping Whirl, Blurry Whirl, Stepping Whirl
11th) Kenny Shults: Ripwalk, P.S. Whirl, Symposium Blur
12th) Chad Devlahovich: Scorpion Tail, Blurry Whirl, Osis
13th) Jane Jones: Torque, Ripwalk, Spinning Osis
14th) Jeremy Benton: Ripwarrior, P. Whirl, Spinning Osis
15th) Ricky Moran: Fairy Butterfly, Ripwalk, P. Drifter
16th) Greg Nelson: P. Blender, P. Blender, Osis
17th) Dylan Johnson: Butterfly, P. Mirage, Butterfly

BIG 3 Round 2 (best combo from both rounds):
1st) Lon Smith: Blurry Drifter, Mobius, Blurriest
2nd) Jim Penske: P. Legbeater, Blurry Drifter, P.S. Whirl
3rd) Sunil Jani: High-Stepping Butterfly, P. Dragonflier, Eggbeater
4th) Daryl Genz: P. Legbeater, Sumo (P. Atomsmasher), Pixie Ducking Butterfly
5th) Chad Devlahovich: Spinning Whirl, Blurry Whirl, Flurry
6th) Peter Irish: Blurry Whirl, Mobius, Blurry Whirl

SIK TRIK: (Same as BIG 3, if SIK TRIK hit in Round 1, go on to Round 2) Round 2 
1st) Jim Penske: Blurry Ducking P. Drifter
2nd) 'Red' Husted: Shooting Ducking Butterfly
3rd) Kenny Shults: Anonymous
4th) Tuan Vu: Leaning Jowler
5th) Jeremy Benton: Stepping P.S. Blender ("S" means 'simple' = 7 phat ADDZ)
5th) Chad Devlahovich: Blurry Whirl w/ 2 footbags
5th) Greg Nelson: Diving P. Torque
5th) Peter Irish: Inspinning Torque
5th) Ben Schmaltz: Pixie REVERSE Whirling-Swirl (NICE JOB, BEN! - this guy 

BIG 3 & SIK Trik Judges were Ahren Gehrman, Tu Vu, and Dave Holten. Mad props & 
thanks to these guys for their expertise...

FINALLY...The Most Rippin' Run (Crowd Favorite)
This event SHOULD BE AT WORLD'S...all you shredders should CZECH THIS OUT! We 
seeded the players in a bracket format and played a single-elimination event; 
if time permits, this could be in double-elimination format.

1st - Peter Irish (30+ year-olds ROCK!!!)
2nd - Lon Smith
3rd - Allan Haggett
4th - Rippin' Rick Reese
5th thru 8th - Greg Nelson, Alex Zerbe (Kick ass emcee job.....thanks), Daryl 
Genz, Jim Penske

Thanks again to everyone who showed up to this exceptional tournament; we hope 
that you have already made plans to get here next year. GET READY!

If you missed the tournament, some of the highlights include:

Lon & Ahren's LONG shred session :-o
Newbies bustin' Ripwarrior Both Sides. :-)
Keep on shreddin' Justin from Seattle. :)
Props to Ben for Blurry P.S. Whirl like butter. ;)
Matt Cross for Riptide BOTH SIDES, no problem. :o
Randy Magliocca for B. Torque, Whirlwind & heinous combos (go PRO!!!!) 
Dan Klokow for Tequila Skills Extraordinaire, Support & 100% attendance to 
CSS's (BTW, check out the PHATTEST VIDEO EVER MADE!!!!!!! ['FO SHIZZA])
And all the other freestylers that we haven't included here. ;)

Peace out,
Jeremy Benton & Rippin' Rick Reese
Organizers of Colorado Shred Symposium 4 (and 5)

CSS4 has been moved to Fort Collins, CO for an event of mass proportions! ATTENTION OVERSEAS COMPETITORS!!
You should strongly consider attending this event, as it will be the biggest freestyle footbag event EVER!!! Not only will the shred be ridiculous, but the prize money insane!!!

Pre-Register online here.

Event Details:

Fort Collins is located comfortably along the Rocky Mountain Foothills, approximately one hour North of Denver International Airport (DIA). There will be FREE shuttles from DIA, starting Friday Evening. The FREE shuttle will also be available for other transportation during the event. Venue, Hotel , and Schedule Details: The deal has been finalized with O.D.'s Sports Crossing, a 67,000 square foot multi-purpose sports facility located in Fort Collins. We will have 15,900 square feet of kicking space on a SWEET multi-purpose floor (used for inline hockey - very tacky) The BEST part. We will have the facility until 1AM BOTH NIGHTS! Also included: Spacious meeting room with video and audio equipment Concessions stand with a diverse menu Tavern license for alcohol sales (bring your IDs) Concessions area with tables and chairs for 120 people Six secure locker rooms with showers and changing areas Rippin's been to well over 100 tournaments in his career, and said this is up towards the top of great venues. Make those plans RIGHT NOW! Really, make your plans don't want to miss CSS4! Hotel Info - Key words "Colorado Shred" The host hotel for CSS4 is the University Park Holiday Inn, located in the center of Fort Collins right next to CSU campus. The room rate for CSS4 is $69.00 per night plus tax. (4 per room = $19 each inc. tax) Say the key words to get the discounted rate. Call 970.482.2626 to make your reservations. Their website is at if you register online you probably won't get the discounted rate. The hotel's pool & hot hub are open until Midnight, and there are many food outlets nearby. Plus, the hotel has a shuttle that will give you a one-way trip to the shred site. This is probably one of the best hotels in Fort Collins, if not the best. The schedule will be as follows: We will be having four different events; Shred, BIG 3, Sik Trik, and Most Rippin' Run. Please bring the music you like to SHRED to. Tentative schedule: Saturday March 1st: 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 - Registration and warm-up 12:00 to 12:30 - Warm-up 12:30 to 1:00 - Round 1 Intermediate Shred Competition 1:00 to 1:30 - Women's Shred Competition 1:30 to 1:45 - Juggling/Demonstrations 1:45 to 2:30 - Open Shred Competition 2:30 to 3:30 - Intermission 3:30 to 4:30 - Big 3 Competitions 4:30 to 5:00 - Sick Trick Competitions 5:00 to 1:00 AM - Demos/Clinics/Open Jams Sunday March 2nd: 11:00 to 12:30 - Get up, set up, warm up 12:30 to 1:00 - Intermediate Shred Competition 1:00 to 1:30 - Juggling/Demonstrations 1:30 to 2:30 - Open Shred 2:30 to 3:00 - Bracketing for Most Rippin' Run 3:00 to 4:00 - Most Rippin' Run 4:00 to 5:00 - Judge Shred before player's party Players Party and Awards Ceremony to follow. . . Other cool things: 4 square massages (tips only) scoreboard pigs BAP Until then...keep your blades sharp and we'll see you in the Fort...

Created Saturday, November 2nd, 2002, 08:45pm (PST); last update Friday, March 7th, 2003, 01:48am (PST).
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