Philly Party Crash

Event Listing

Philly Party Crash


Robert Erik Riefer

E-mail: invalid
Philadelphia, PA
Friends Select School
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Host Club:
Events Offered:
EXPOSURE!!!!!  Shredding "jam style" 
Event Details:
Footbag freestylers are invited to be part of the show at the "Philadelphia 
Juggling Festival" ( 
on October 12th and 13th.  

The event has built in exposure for our sport.  Plus, there's no better 
atmosphere for creative freestyling than to be around all the various 
juggling geniuses that will be on site.

We are definitely not going to turn down this opportunity to crash the 
party and show off our skills!

Saturday 10/12/2002 - MAIN EVENT!!!
10 a.m. - 7 p.m. - We have space available to us at the venue during this 
time.  Shred, watch juggling, try juggling, hang out...  If I had to guess, 
stylers that come with me will begin showing up around noon and will stay 
through the show - but feel free to go to the venue earlier.

7:30 p.m. - Juggling show.  $5 charge at the door (although we might be 
able to get in for free).  NOTE:  The event organizer is going to 
pick a couple of our best players to participate in the show!  Have your 
routines ready!!!

Sunday 10/13/2002 - This day is more of an afterthought to day 1 but will 
still be a blast.
10 a.m. - 5 p.m. - We again have available shred space during these 

Free lodging is generally available at the houses of Philly Footworks 
members, but space is limited.  Contact a member to reserve floor space.

Also, as this event is right near the heart of Center City Philadelphia, 
there are numerous hotels available.  Or check out the city's web page 
for more details

Directions to site:
You can mapquest to:

Friends Select School 
17th & Cherry Streets 
Philadelphia, PA 19102 

Or go to the festival's home page and click on "Directions, Maps, Hotels"

It's easiest to get off at Suburban Station and walk North on 15th street 
for a few blocks until you get to Cherry Street.  At Cherry Street, 
walk "uptown" (as the street numbers increase) until you reach 17th.  
You're there. will give you train schedules etc.
Created Friday, September 13th, 2002, 01:54pm (PDT); last update Thursday, October 10th, 2002, 09:57am (PDT).
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