18th Annual Midwest Regional Footbag Championships

Event Listing

18th Annual Midwest Regional Footbag Championships


Scott Davidson

Alias: enlightener@footbag.org
Phone: Email for current #
Willow Springs, IL
Maryville Academy
Des Plaines, Illinois, USA
Events Offered:
Footbag Net - Singles and Doubles
Footbag Freestyle - Singles, Shred and Rippinest Run
Footbag Consecutives - Singles
Four Square
Event Details:
We have been fortunate to have had the support of many great players at this 
event over the years.  Thanks to everyone who has been here in the past!  We 
have scheduled our event this year to be the final "get-ready" for world 
championships, and our site is in conjunction with an annual volleyball 
tournament.  We have the greatest t-shirts ever, designed by Air Zeke!

18th Annual Midwest Regional Footbag Championships
July 27-28, 2002 (Saturday and Sunday)
Maryville Academy, Des Plaines, IL
Entrance on Central just west of River Road

Footbag Net - Singles and Doubles
Footbag Freestyle - Singles, Shred and Rippinest Run
Footbag Consecutives - Singles
Four Square

Novice (Free, but please make a tax-deductible donation to Maryville Academy)
Intermediate: $20
Pro: $40
(Note: $5 of each Intermediate and Pro entry fee will be donated to Maryville 

Registration is Saturday morning by 10:00 for Consecs and Net, by 3:00 for 

Saturday -
10:00   Last Chance to Register for Consecs and Net
11:00   Footbag Consecutives
12:00   Footbag Net
3:00    Last Chance to Register for Freestyle
5:00    Footbag Freestyle - Round 1
6:30    Footbag Freestyle Shred Contest
8:00    Footbag Party - Review vids and carbo load

Sunday -
10:00   Footbag Golf (Unofficial, contact Larry Doyle for info)
12:00   Footbag Net
3:00    Footbag Net Finals
4:00    Footbag Freestyle Finals
5:00    Awards
6:00    Footbag Party - "You can't have too many parties"
Created Tuesday, July 9th, 2002, 09:36am (PDT); last update Tuesday, July 9th, 2002, 09:36am (PDT).
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