2002 East Coast Footbag Championships

Tournament Results

2002 East Coast Footbag Championships


Vince Bradley

Alias: procrastan8r@footbag.org
Silver Spring, MD
Fairland Aquatic Center
13820 Old Gunpowder Rd.
Laurel, Maryland, USA
Host Club:
Events Offered:
Novice, Intermediate, Womens, and Open: Net and 
Golf and Consecutive Events pending voluntary directors.

Manually Entered Results

singles net
1. Andrew Ronald (QC/BC CAN)
2. Bob Lavigne (QC CAN)
3. JF (QC CAN)
4. Chris Seibert (VA USA)
5. Stephane Comeau (QC CAN)
6. James Harley (SC USA)
7. Jamie Lepley (PA USA)
8. Vincent Bradley (MD USA
9. Jeff Bowling (MD USA
10. Anthony Intemann (NJ USA)
10. Greg Nice (NJ USA)
10. Matt Quint (DC USA)
1. Theodore Fritsch (NY USA)
2. Jeremy Walters (PA USA)
3. Jack Lentz (PA USA)
4. Ben Kellman (NY USA)
1. Dan Greer (PA USA)
2. Drew Martin (NY USA)
3. Brady Lambert (MD USA)
4. James Wilson (MD USA)
5. Matt Isanuk (NJ USA)
5. Scott Miner (MD USA)
5. Mike Clair (MD USA)
5. Jonathan Felix (PA USA)

doubles net
1. Andy Ronald & Bob Lavigne
2. Chris Seibert & James Harley
3. Vincent Bradley & Jamie Lepley
4. Jeff Bowling & Matt Quint
5. JF & Stephane Comeau
6. Anthony Intemann & Greg Nice
7. Steve Goldberg (CA USA)& Jeremy Walters
8. Jim Hankins (NJ USA) & Amy Noller
1. Ted Fritsch & Ben Kellman
2. Alison Smith (MD USA)& Jeremy Walters
3. Jack Lentz & Dan Greer
4. Matt Miller (VA USA) & Drew Martin (Novice Team)

judged style
1. Peter "Executioner" Irish (MD USA)
2. Scott "Enlightener" Davidson (IL USA)
3. Ken "Ceiling Fan" Somolinos (NY USA)
4. Greg "GFSmoothie" Nelson (MI USA)
5. "Flash" Gordon Scott Bevier (PA CAN)
6. Adam Keith (MI USA)
7. Jeremy Benton (CO USA)
1. Valeria Davidson (IL USA)
2. Matt Isanuk (NJ USA)
3. Theodore Fritsch (NY USA)
4. Bob Glasser (PA USA)
5. Nino Almazon (VA USA)
6. Ben Scarborough (GA USA)
7. Josh Benham (PA USA)
8. Mike Adamszyck (PA USA)
1. Dan Greer (PA USA)
2. Ben Kellman (NY USA)
3. Jonathan Felix (MD USA)
4. Drew Martin (MD USA)

WINNER: Scott Davidson sub-atomic twirl
RunnerUp: Brad Nelson (PA USA) blazing whirl
1. Scott Bevier
2. Scott Davidson

Come and see the top East Coast players and anyone else who wants to share in the fun.

Competitors: Entrance fees are $15.00 first timers, $50.00 Open competitors, $30.00 everything else. Entrance fee allows competition in as many events as are doable, but only full Open fees paid will qualify for open prizes.

2002 Champions/Events Directors are eligible for discounted entrance fees, pending verification of events and results.

Entrance fees collected after Friday night 10pm will have an additional $10.00 late fee applied.
Event Details:
REGISTRATION is FRIDAY NIGHT at the Fairfield Inn Marriott Hotel Lobby between 5 and 10pm. If you can't make it yourself to the registration table please have someone tell registration staff which events you are going to compete in.
DIRECTIONS TO THE HOTEL: Take I-95 (north or south) to exit 29B (Route 212 West towards Calverton). Hotel is located approximately 100 yards on right. DIRECTIONS TO THE SITE: From Interstate 95: exit Route 212 (Powder Mill Road) East. Turn left at first traffic light onto Old Gunpowder Road. Proceed 2-3 miles on Left. Fairland Aquatic Center. From Cherry Hill Campground: Left on CHerry Hill Road, Right on Powder Mill Road, Left on Gunpowder Mill Road, 2-3 miles on the left. Fairland Aquatic Center. From Hotel: left on Powder Mill Road. Left on Gunpowder Mill Road. 2-3 miles on left. Fairland Aquatic Center.

SCHEDULE: The schedule for the weekend is as follows: Friday: Registration happens between 5-10 pm. Saturday: 8 am Golf, soccer field 9 Net player check in, soccer field 10 Net singles all divisions begins, soccer field 12 Net player break 12 Freestyle check in, tennis court or net table 1 pm Freestyle, Aerobics Room 4 Freestyle ends 6 Net ends 6 Doubles net begins? circle kicking and 4 square throughout the day, both days Sunday: 8 am Golf, soccer field 9 Net player check in, soccer field 10 Net begins, soccer field 12 Net break 12 Freestyle check in, tennis court or net table 1 pm Freestyle Finals, Aerobics room 3 Freestyle Finals ends 3-4 Semi finals, doubles Net, soccer field 4-5 Singles Net Final, soccer field 5-6 Doubles Net Final, soccer field 7-? Awards Ceremony, location TBA

ACCOMODATIONS:ratephone links

Fairfield Inn Marriott
4050 Powder Mill Road< br> Beltsville, MD 20705

$79.00 per night
up to 4 per room
1-301-572-7100 Directions

Cherry Hill Campgrounds
9800 Cherry Hill Road
College Park, MD 20740-1210

TENTS = $30.00
RV's = $40.00
PULL- THRU'S = $45.00

1-800-801-6449 Directions
Created Friday, May 17th, 2002, 01:06pm (PDT); last update Saturday, January 10th, 2004, 03:25am (PST).
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