15th Annual Vancouver Open Footbag Tournament

Event Listing

15th Annual Vancouver Open Footbag Tournament


Juliet Pendray

E-mail: invalid
Phone: (604) 736-7572
#12-2475 West 1st Avenue
Vancouver, BC
Jericho Beach Park, Kitsilano, Vancouver
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Events Offered:
Net, Golf
Freestyle Routines, Shred 30, and possibly Sick 3 or Big Trick, Four Square, Consecs
Freestyle events are numbers dependent, so please contact Chard Cook chard@FootbagCanada.com

*********ATTENTION WE NEED MORE NETS***********

can anyone bring nets with them? please contact me asap. thanks:-)

*********ATTENTION WE NEED MORE NETS***********

15th Annual Vancouver Open ? Jericho Beach Park East

August 24-25, 2002

Come One - Come All -- to the 15th Annual Vancouver Open! We will be holding Singles Net, Doubles Net, Golf and Freestyle competition. If there are enough registrants, it may also be possible to run Intermediate/Novice and/or Women's categories. If there are not enough, then welcome to Open!
Freestyle competition and Four Square will depend upon the number of folks interested as well.

Entry Fees: $30 for Open/Intermediate with tournament shirt
$20 for Open/Intermediate w/o shirt
$5 for novice only(includes KFA membership for one year)
$15 for shirt only
$10 for IFPA registration (optional see Chard)

This is NOT an IFPA Sanctioned event. This is an IFPA (optional sign up) event. Players add $10 if you're not already an IFPA member. This signs you up with the IFPA for one year and your results will be recorded and used to determine your ranking at other IFPA events. More importantly you're supporting the IFPA towards its goals of making Footbag a more recognized and legitimate sport.

Registration will be held from approx. 7pm to 9pm at the Sunset Grill Friday eve August 23rd (Yew St. & York in Kitsilano - directly south of Kits Beach up the hill) We'd like to register ALL or as many as possible that night. Late registration will be held on site at Jericho Beach Park East from 8am to 9am on Saturday August 24th and Sunday August 25th.

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Hey all!! You're hereby invited to come and shred yourself silly!! There'll be shred circles, but we're planning to run Routines (ranked judging), Shred 30, and maybe a Big Trick or Sick 3 contest depending on numbers of interested competitors and time available. Also, 4-Square and maybe consecs for the newbies.
So stand up and be counted!! We want your game here in Vancouver. Remember Worlds 2000? Nothing has changed, it's still as beautiful as ever!!

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Traditionally this has been a net event but the times, they are a changin'. There's some extremely talented local players in the hood and they're coming into their own. However, they need inspiration and encouragement from the big boys and girls of SHRED. So far, we expect most of the Victoria crew (Allan Haggett, Jeremy Kumbruch, Jubal Hume, Matt Emmings, Dylan Fry). I went to the island to play with these guys last month and they're on fire! Can't wait to see 'em again. If you're coming *please* let Leanne and I know.

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Co m e a day early and go to Molson Canadian's Snow Jam (Fri) featuring appearances by Pennywise, Unwritten Law, and Swollen Members. This two day event (Aug. 23 & 24) will host competitions in BMX, Snowboard, Skateboard, In-Line, and Freeski. Let's show 'em some shred too!! Perfect opportunity to promote the tourney and your talent! Tickets are $20 CDN in advance at www.ticketmaster.ca and $30 CDN at the door.

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Of course, net players, will have warm up games goin' on Friday at Kits Beach. Not to worry, there's lots of surface to shred at Kits too if you can't go to Snow Jam.

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Fr e estyle info contact Chard Cook - chard@FootbagCanada.com or 604-736-0384.
All other info contact Leanne Makcrow - queencrow@hotmail.com or 604-251-4021.

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If you've never been to the Vancouver Open then you're in for a treat. The folks here rule! Hospitable as could be. Come see for yourself!!

See ya soon!
Always kickin
Chard Cook
Freestyle Director
For directions,questions,and RSVP your attendance please email queencrow@hotmail.com or call Leanne Makcrow at (604) 251-4021

Lookin' forward to it ;->
with much love
~The Queen~

Event Details:

Once again a success!!!
It was an honor to be the tournament director this year and for the
first time ever we held a freestyle competition too!! I knew we could all 
get along and play nice together! :-) Great support here for both sports!!

I would like to take this opportunity to quickly thank people again :-)

In no particular order, big juicy wet ones to:

Darlene G, Jake L, Leanne P, Juliet P, Chard C, James H, Rob A, Paul
V, Francois L, Jim D, Ben C & Pat Q "aldirtans", Jim C, Scott M, also
to our sponsors not already taken care of above include: Sunset Grill,
Starbucks, Vancouver Tourism, and thanks to Vancouver Parks

And special spanks ehem I mean thanks :-) to all the players for coming
especially the new comers for being brave enough to try!!! Hope to see
you all and more next year!

The moment you've all been waiting for .... THE RESULTS!

1st place = Jim Derricott & Steve Dusablon
2nd place = Jake Leong & Yosarian Kelly
3rd place = Scott Milne & James Holkko
4th place = Rob Adams & Ian Kobayashi

1st place = Mark Studholter & Tetsu Hiruta
2nd place = Kevin Roberts & Gabriel Penalbra
3rd place = Cole Bayford & Jordan Kell
4th place = Manish Dhole & Lothario Johnny

1st place = Jake Leong
2nd place = Rob Adams
3rd place = Andre Lemaire

1st place = Francois 'gatekeeper' Leh
2nd place = Paul Vorvick
3rd place = Leanne 'queen' Makcrow

1st place = Scott Milne 26
2nd place = Steve Dusablon 30
3rd place = James Holkko 32

1st place = Tetsu Hiruta 59

1st place = Chard Cook
2nd place = Allan Haggett
3rd place = Dylan Fry

1st place = Allan Haggett
2nd place (tie) = Matt Baker & Dylan Fry

1st place (tie) = Judith Arney & Jillian Dickens

1st place = Broc Popoff

cheers!! enjoy the rest of summer and I'll see ya next year...

with much love
~The Queen~

Friday August 23rd
5:00pm - until... Pick up net and shred circles at Kits Beach
7:00pm - 9:00pm Registration at the Sunset Grill Restaurant

Saturday August 24th
8 ? 9am Late Registration at site
9 ? 6pm Singles Net
12- 2pm Consecutives
2 - 3pm Freestyle routine 1st round
3 - ?pm Freestyle Shred 30 and Big Trick/Sick 3
Later Evening Social and potluck

Sunday August 25th
8 ? 9am Late Doubles Registration at site
9 ? 3pm Doubles Net
1 ? 6pm Golf
12- 2pm Consecutives
2 - 3pm Freestyle routine 2nd round
3 - ?pm Freestyle Shred 30 and Big Trick/Sick 3
3-6pm Finals Matches/Awards (time approx.)
******* As always, the schedule is subject to change: contact us if you have 
questions. NOTE**Freestyle depends on number of people
The map following this announcement has kits beach, sunset grill, event
site, nearby hostel. The tournament takes place at the southeast
section of Jericho Beach Park, the stretch of grass that borders upon
4th Avenue.
We didn't get a big response for hotel accom. so you'll need to
accomodate yourselves, however, I've made an effort to help you
further by providing you with these quick links to find what you need.

hotels   http://www.vancouverplus.ca/feature/8640/vancouver.html
b&b's   http://www.tourismvancouver.com/cgi-bin/members_search.cgi
hostels (for this site click preference - Vancouver All)
car rentals/attractions/etc...
Created Sunday, May 12th, 2002, 10:18pm (PDT); last update Tuesday, September 3rd, 2002, 05:57pm (PDT).
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