Footbag to Rock the Nation

Event Listing

Footbag to Rock the Nation


Ludovic Lacaze

Phone: ++33 6 80 41 45 28
University of Dauphine
Paris, France
Host Club:
Events Offered:
There will be freestyle maybe team , net 
in double and single if the weather allow it(outside 
Il y aura du freestyle seul et peut etre à deux si il y a 
des participants et du net en exterieur dependant du 
Inscriptions on
This event will take place in the Music to rock the nation caritative festival in Dauphine university in the french capital. Good footbag will be there from all over france and maybe europe. if you want to come just send a mail or wait for an inscription form on the french footbag association website ( freestyle will be during the concert of the music and the final will be on the stage with babylon circus performing live for the music See you soon in France. La compétition aura lieu pendant le festival Music to rock the nation qui est à but humanitaire à l'université de dauphine à Paris. Il y aura du beau jeu avec les meilleurs francais et peut etre des européens. Si vous voulez venir envoyez un mail ou passez dans quelques jours sur le site et inscrivez vous on line. Le freestyle aura lieu avec la musique des concerts et la finale se déroulera sur la scene en live avec la musique de babylon circus ou de makabi A bientot
Event Details:
8/05/2002 : from 12am to 11pm
9/05/2002 : as the weather permit it with the same timetable
maybe 10/05/2002 if we couldn't organize the net and if we've the 
possibility to do it on friday.

For accomodation if you want information send a mail and we'll try to 

Participation : for the music festival : 
                   around 8 euros if you book the ticket
                   (to book the ticket contact us)
                   11 euros if you take it the day
                for the footbag event : around 5 euros
In order to go to the university of dauphine :
metro porte dauphine ligne 2
rer c avenue foch
Created Wednesday, April 3rd, 2002, 02:22pm (PST); last update Monday, May 6th, 2002, 04:01pm (PDT).
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