The Philly Big Wave

Event Listing

The Philly Big Wave


Robert Erik Riefer

E-mail: invalid
Philadelphia, PA
Newtown Athletic Club
Newtown, Pennsylvania, USA
Host Club:
Events Offered:
Freestyle.. Perhaps we'll throw together a sick three or 
shred 30 if people are interested.. Likely we'll just shred 
until our legs are ready to fall off.
Event Details:
Sunil (Mr. "I hit Nemisis on both sides") is coming back to town.. We 
thought it'd be nice to show him what's been happening to East Coast 
footbag since he's been gone.

Final Details (updated on 04/05/2002):
Friday 04/12/2002 - 8:30 p.m. til whenever in the Athletic Club gym.. This 
will be the warm up jam for players arriving early.  The main event is the 
next day, but feel free to show up for this as well.  Fee is $5 per person 
(mention the event to get this discount).

Saturday 04/13/2002 - from 2:00-4:00 we'll be in the "Studio" at the 
Athletic Club.  From 4:00-7:00 we'll be showcased in the Gym at the 
Athletic Club.  Just mention our event and they'll direct you in the proper 
direction.  Fee is $5 per person (mention the event to get this discount).

Driving directions...
From the PA turnpike:
exit 28
route 1 north
route 95 north
Newtown exit (route 332)
left off ramp onto 332 north
take a right on to Penns Trail Road (the health club will be visible from 
route 332 at this point)
Take first left into the lot for the Newtown Athletic Club (215-968-0600).
Once inside, mention the footbag event.  
Cost is $5 per person.

Disclaimer:  We literally threw this event together about as fast as is 
possible... I don't want to "knock" it, but since things were so last minute 
for this, our accomodations aren't as plush as they were for the Chilly 
Philly.  It will still be a blast.. I'm just saying.. 

Lodging:  Email me if you need to stay over night.  We'll try to work 
something out for you.
Created Wednesday, April 3rd, 2002, 06:19am (PST); last update Friday, April 5th, 2002, 10:55am (PST).
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