Footbag Club Listing

Footbag Club Listing


Sebastien Vanhove

Brussels, Ixelles, Belgium

Maxime Boucoiran

Brussels, Belgium

Julien Romiti

Bruxelles, Centre, Belgium

Sean Wingert

Portland, OR, USA

Brussels Footbag Club

Brussels, Belgium
Related Members:
11 members
Lists all members who have chosen this club in their profile; members may not be formal contacts for club. Please use contacts to the right to contact the club.
Hi ! As the first official Footbag Club in Belgium, we invite you to join us for indoor/outdoor practices and freestyle sessions around Brussels ! --> visit our website for more infos Don't hesitate to contact us to join us! You'll be more than welcome! -->

Kicking Times and Locations

12th of September 2013

Hell yeah! It's been such a long time!
But don't be to excited, the news aren't that good...

This post just to inform you guys that our club isn't running anymore.
For many reasons (personnal, physical, money, time, investment, etc.) we decided to stop
our activities.

For the moment, we keep our contact page active as it could be a way for you to contact us
if you come to Brussels on vacation or anything else. Feel free to call us, it would be a
pleasure to see your old face again ;-)


for the BFC Team --


1st of April 2010

It is with great pleasure that the Brussels Footbag Club will be hosting the 12th Annual
IFPA European Footbag Championships !

It's the very first time Belgium welcomes an official IFPA Footbag event in Brussels
therefore it'is important to us that you leave with great memories of the Euros 2010, so
we will endeavour to make your experience a special one !

Enjoy !!


Check out our forum for all informations, schedule or events on :


12nd of February 2009

Hi all !

After all this time, YES, the B.F.C. is still ACTIVE !!
We just make more updates on our personal Forum than here.
But don't worry, we're still IN !!

Check out our forum for all informations, schedule or events on :


21st of July 2006

check our forum for all information or schedule or events on :


10th of May 2006

Hi guys !


It� been a long time we haven� get news from each others, I hope you�e 
all doing perfectly good !

The Brussels Footbag Club would be really pleased to welcome you in it� 
Summer Program !

We have some public events planned for this summer and it would be awesome 
to have you here again. Here are the dates + infos for those who didn� 
received our last Newsletter.


Sat 3rd of June
A one-day-small demo & clinics for kids in an antique fair ("Braderie de 
Helmet")in Schaerbeek, Brussels. 

From the 15th till the 30th of July
We�l be playing (demo & clinics) every Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday for a 
big one month outside event in Brussels called "Bruxelles-les-Bains" 
(Brussels�Baths). For those who don� know the thing, it� a place in 
Brussels along the Canal where they cover the shore with white sand and 
organize different kind of summer activities such as Beach Soccer and Beach 
Volley tournaments, Capoeira, Ultimate Frisbee�and, since last year, 
Footbag ! Last year, we welcomed the �erman Team�(Justin, Jochen, Nils, 
�, our French Fried Friend Maxime aka �aXXX�and we also met Nikolai 
Lorenzen which was a great pleasure too !

From the 21st till the 27th of August
We are �equested�every year for the �lternative Sports Summer Week�which 
is a small-but-great event for young people (~from 8 to 18) around 
alternative sports like Skateboard, Freestyle Bike and Inline Skate, 
Ultimate Frisbee and Footbag. This one is interesting for promoting the 
sport among kids and teach them the bases to go further, but not really to 
play like furious shredders in front of hundred people (this option is more 
for the previous event!)
You can, of course, call your boys and girls friends to join the party. The 
more we are, the better it will be!
For Professional players (please be modest) we can get a small extra budget 
for your transport, demo or any cost. Just send me a mail or call and we�l 
discuss about everything�

I�l just ask you to confirm your participation, which event and the number 
you are for the organisation. The sooner we have the answers, the best we�l 
be ready to welcome you!

We all Brussels Footbag Club Team would be very glad to see you this summer!






6th February 2005

We have now 2 Official Practices a week !!!
And we approach the number of 20 persons playing with the B.F.C. ... 

* 3000 free flyers will be printed and distributed all around Brussels to 
promote the club, its activities and the sport of Footbag itself !

* The website will be ready in a few weeks... so, be ready to welcome us on 
the web !

* We already have some booked events for this summer... More infos later...

Tchuuussssss Guyz,




13rd September 2004

Avant de commencer, je sais bien que vous allez me reprocher de prendre du 
retard dans la planification de la "rentrée Footbag" et des prochains 
entraînements... Mais ne vous en faites pas, j'y travaille !

Nous devrions reprendre les activités d'ici une semaine ou deux tout au 

Mis à part ça... J'aimerais vous faire part d'un événement auquel je vous 
incite vivement à aller :

Il s'agît du IFPA French Open organisé par l'International Footbag Player's 
Association. Cela se passera à Paris, et cela du 11 au 14 Novembre 2004 (du 
jeudi au dimanche inclus).

Nous allons, si tout se passe bien, essayer de mettre en place une 
où nous nous rendrions là-bas tous ensemble. 

Je vous demande de me répondre pour le 1er novembre AU PLUS TARD.

Quant à moi, je vous tiendrai rapidement au courant des modalités et vous 
donnerai de plus amples infos dès que possible...

Merci à tous,
et j'espère vous voir nombreux et vite !!!!
D'ici là.......

Keep Hacking !



29th July 2004

Yesterday night, I played with some guys in Vietnam !

It was really cool !!!

I've showed them what footbag was, because they didn't know it at all...

And at the end of the shoot, we exchanged our bags :  I gave them one BFC 
Footbag and they gave me one of their KAO (kind of flying stuuf they play 
woth around here)
It was a nice experience to share with these guys... !

See you


17th July 2004

I'm in Cambodia...
They don't know Footbag, but some kind of hacky stuffs.... funny !!!

And for who's interested, I got some special Asian Footbags to bring 
back to Belgium...

I'll be back this week-end before leaving for some more vacations to 

So guys... Keep         !


1st June 2004

FROM NOW, we have a WEEKLY PRACTICE which should take place 


at the TER DELT STADIUM in Schaerbeek (1030 Brussels) 
--> map at this link :

Start at 7 p.m.
End at 9 p.m.

*** Anyway, we are keeping working on our administrative steps, but 
BRUSSELS FOOTBAG CLUB will be trully OFFICIAL soon !!!   ***

We'll keep you in touch...

For More Information:

Brussels Footbag Club has its own home page on the World-Wide Web, where you can find more detailed information. Click here to go to the club's home page.
Created Thu Aug 7 05:53:39 2003; last update Wed Sep 11 22:12:30 2013.
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