- NET categories will be novice, intermediate, advanced, open and women's.
- GOLF categories will be intermediate and open. Course will be set up all day Saturday for the Singles Golf competition. Doubles Golf will be held from 8:00am to 9:00am Sunday.
- REGISTRATION will be on Friday night, from about 7pm onwards at the Sunset Grill restaurant (the usual spot). Late registration will be Saturday morning from 8:00am to 9:00am, at the tournament site.
- ENTRY FEE is $25.- Cdn. plus one non-perishable food item for the Vancouver Food Bank.
- TOURNAMENT SHIRTS are $10.- Cdn.
- SATURDAY NIGHT DINNER/gathering will be at a non-smoking, kid-friendly venue (!).
- PRIZES: All registered competitors will have their names in the hat for wicked-cool draw prizes. PLUS our Sunday morning early bird skookum prize draw (you must be there to win)! Additional tickets for the Sunday draw will be available for $1. each.
- FRIDAY KICKING during the day is at Kitsilano Beach "KFA-HQ" Kicking Zone, one block away from the Sunset Grill registration party.
NET DOUBLES OPEN 1. Danny Borsky and Emmanuel Bouchard 2. Jim Derricott and Scott Milne 3. Jake Leong and Andy Ronald 4. Chris Routh and Dave Bernard NET DOUBLES MIXED 1. Evanne LaMarche and Andy Ronald 2. Juliet Pendray and Scott Milne 3. Kyle Beauliv and Chard Cook 4. Vera DeBaere and Jim Derricott NET DOUBLES ADVANCED 1. Tim Shepard and Frank Gutowski 2. Ben Cochrane and Jamie Elliott 3. Thomas Whitworth and Mike Voightmann 4. Geoff Hand and Jon Hayduk NET SINGLES OPEN 1. Danny Borsky 2. Emmanuel Bouchard 3. Jake Leong 4. Dave Bernard NET SINGLES WOMENS 1. Vera DeBaere 2. Kyle Beauliv 3. Tara Wolczuk 4. Darlene Goodridge NET SINGLES ADVANCED 1. Adrian Verhoef 2. Geoff Hand 3. Tim Shepard 4. Ben Cochrane GOLF SINGLES OPEN 1. Jim "Toes" Fitzgerald (26) 2. Yossarian Kelley (28) 3. Greg Potts (29) 4. & 5. Jim Cobb, John Leys (29) GOLF SINGLES ADVANCED 1. Jared Clark (31) 2. Pat Quinn (32) Thomas Whitworth (32) GOLF DOUBLES OPEN 1. Chard Cook and Andy Ronald (24) 2. John Leys and Greg Potts (26) 3. Jim Cobb and Yossarian Kelley (26) --------------------------------
Related Photos:
This is world class competition in Footbag Net and Golf, for kickers of ALL ages and skill levels, hosted by the Kitsilano Footbag Association.
- A high visibility site in Vancouver's most popular park.
- Spectators welcome and FREE.
- KidsKicking! All kids welcome to try out the game on our junior "Foot-C" net court. Grown-up kids also welcome on this court - if accompanied and supervised by a minor, of course.
- Competitor registration includes entry in all events for both days, food, dinner, drinks, prizes and more...
- Come out and spend the weekend with an international crowd of shredders, spikers and hackers - addicted to kicking and dedicated to having fun...
- Warm-up to Worlds! The World Championships in Portland begin a week later; get some kicking/bonding/strategizing in with your doubles partner at the Vancouver Open, and get those athletic juices flowing! (hm...um...well, you know what I mean...)
With HUGE thanks to our AWESOME sponsors:
Adidas, Cafe Zen, Flying Clipper Footbags, Da Pasta Bar, Sunset Grill, Elwood's Joint, Creative Athletics, Patagonia, Sunny Delight, Alpine Car Audio Systems, Radical Entertainment, Canadian Footbag Alliance, Simple Shoes, Kick in the Grass Footbags, Grape Expectations, Siegel's Bagels, Power Bar, Deep Cove Bike Shop, ROBL Media, Coffee Roaster and Canadian Springs..This year's tourney is brought to you by the 1997 KFA tournament committee, comprised of the following hardworking individuals: Jim Derricott & Juliet Pendray (Co-FTD's), Crass Eddicott, Jake Leong, Evanne Lamarche, Darlene Goodridge, Vera DeBaere, Scott Milne, and Andy Ronald.
And eternal thanks to our wonderful supporters and volunteers: Mike Grueter, Kendall KIC, Rob LeClaire, Ian Kobayashi, James Holkko, Gelly Eddicott, Leanne Pendray, Chard Cook, Lori Chisholm, Greg Potts, Diane Murphy, Steve Goldberg, Mark Donovan, Mike Stephanelli, Sharon Motlik and many others...
- BILLETING: There is still billeting space available: Contact a KitsKicker as soon as possible to arrange snoozing location.
- HOTELS/HOSTELS: If you are planning to stay in a hotel, book your room a.s.a.p., as August 2-3 is a holiday weekend in B.C. (the 4th is the holiday) and Vancouver is pretty packed with tourists and travellers in the summer. If you need assistance with finding a hotel/hostel/B&B that is close to the site, contact us.
- The I-5 turns into Hwy 99 after the border. 99 becomes Oak Street after it goes over the Oak Street Bridge. Follow Oak St. as it beelines you toward Vancouver. When downtown vancouver comes into sight ahead of you, be prepared to take a left onto Broadway. Continue along Broadway for 10 blocks or so, then take a right onto Arbutus. Continue on Arbutus for about 10 blocks and take a left onto Cornwall (at the bottom of the hill). You are now at Kits Beach. Go about two blocks along Cornwall, take a left up Yew, and immediately turn right. You are now in front of the Sunset Grill Restaurant. If you can't find a place to park, go back down to the beach to use their parking lot: Definitely buy a ticket to park as they do monitor the area.
- TO SITE (Saturday) FROM U.S.A.:
- TO SITE (Saturday) FROM East:
- FOOD: There will be some food and drink provided on site; Juice, bottled water, bagels & fixins, fruit. Also there is a stand providing concession-type food by the site. The Cricket Clubhouse is open to the public this weekend! They have BBQ, refreshments, and lunch-type food, and will be open both days. As there are no stores within walking distance, bring what you need with you in the mornings.
- LEAVING THE SITE DURING THE TOURNAMENT: Don't do it. Due to the Stanley Park road set-up, the weekend traffic, and parking, it would take you so long to get to a store etc. that you would be scratched from your match loo-oong before you return.
- PARKING: Is $5 for the day throughout Stanley Park. The best lot for us is on the North side of Brockton Oval: Drive past the tournament site on the south or city side, take the first left that cuts through the park, then drive past the site on the north or mountain side, and your first left will be the parking lot. Do buy a ticket as they have a full time monitor.
- POST-TOURNAMENT RAFTING TRIP!!! ...is being independently organized for Tuesday August 5th. If you are interested, call Scott Milne at (604)736-SCOT or email him at <scott@FootbagCanada.com>.