Official Rules of Footbag Sports

IFC Bylaws

IFC Bylaws


The purpose of the International Footbag Committee (IFC) is to influence the direction of footbag games, to develop and refine rules, and to vote on major issues and rule changes. The IFC is organized under the auspices of the International Footbag Players' Association (IFPA), and all committee members must remain active IFPA members in order to serve on this committee. The membership of the IFC consists of people who are influential in the game of footbag. Players wishing to serve on the IFC must show active interest or participation in footbag for a minimum of two years before applying for membership.

Requirements for Membership

Players wishing to be elected to the rules committee must complete the process as outlined below:
 1: Write an electronic mail ("e-mail") to all IFC members stating desire to serve on the committee. This e-mail should include a summary of the player's involvement in footbag, as well as mention of tournament experience (playing and organizing), promotions and any special skills or qualifications (i.e. business, organizational, involvement in other sports or governing bodies, etc.), as well as personal background (education, occupation). This e-mail must be received by each IFC member at least 30 days prior to the next IFC meeting (usually at the World Footbag Championships). Such e-mail may be sent to all members at once using the official IFC mailing list. The address for that list is on the IFC home page at
 2: Obtain the approval of at least five (5) current IFC members who support the player's nomination (usually done via electronic vote in advance of the meeting, but e-mail and other means of proof of support from these members is also acceptable). Approval will be reviewed at the next annual meeting.
 3: Attend the next annual IFC meeting, which is usually held in conjunction with the World Footbag Championships. The nominee will be asked to speak to the committee and answer any questions asked by the committee. The members will vote on admitting any applicants after the question and answer period. The nominee must be elected by a 2/3 majority vote of the committee.

Responsibilities of IFC members

All IFC members are expected to uphold the rules currently in place, or as specified by the tournament director, at all tournaments and events. IFC members must conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the spirit of the game, displaying good sportsmanship and courtesy at all footbag events. IFC members will attend every meeting, or two meetings out of every three. Communication with committee chairpersons and members will be necessary.

Rule Changes

Rule changes will be voted on at the annual meeting or via correspondence (usually e-mail and/or forum discussions, followed up with an electronic vote). If approved by the committee, rule changes will not become effective until April 1 of any given calendar year, at which point they will also be included in the online rule book and any subsequent printed edition. The deadline for rule changes for any calendar year is January 31 of the same year. A proposal to change a rule may be submitted to the appropriate committee chairperson. The proposal must be submitted in the following format:
 1: The rule as it presently reads in the current rulebook;
 2: The rule as the petitioner would like it to read;
 3: Supporting arguments for the rule change, including any history or relevant information or precedents. This should include possible consequences for leaving the rule intact as well as changing the rule.

International Representation

Representation from a wide variety of regions, countries, and footbag-related interests is desired and encouraged. Special arrangements can be made for unrepresented countries that have two or more entrants competing at the World Footbag Championships. Players from qualifying countries may select one player to participate and vote at the annual meeting and throughout the coming year. International players must reach agreement among themselves as to who shall represent them. All selections are to be made prior to the meeting. Selections shall be stated in writing and submitted to the chairperson prior to the meeting.
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