Official Rules of Footbag Sports

Article II - Footbag Consecutive

Article II - Footbag Consecutive

Comment: Footbag consecutive is played with one or more players. The object is to keep the footbag airborne using only the feet and knees. There are many consecutive events which can be played and will be explained in sections 205-209. In most events the object is to kick the footbag as many times as possible before a drop or a foul occurs. In timed events there is a set time period in which to achieve the highest number of kicks.

Outline of Contents

  • 202.01 General
  • 202.02 Spectator Control
  • 203.01 Footbags
  • 203.02 Counter Device
  • 203.03 Stop Watch
  • 204.01 Legal Kicks
  • 204.02 Upper Body
  • 204.03 Hand Serve
  • 204.04 World Records
  • 204.05 Time limit between rallies
  • 204.06 Interference
  • 204.07 Noise Control
  • 204.08 Number of Rallies
  • 204.09 Assigning Counters and Timers
  • 204.10 Counters' Responsibilities
  • 204.11 Judges' and Players' Responsibilities
  • 204.12 Video Verification
  • 205.01 Singles
  • 205.02 Doubles
  • 205.03 Doubles One-Pass
  • 206.01 Timed Singles
  • 206.02 Timed Doubles One-Pass
  • 207.01 Doubles Distance One Pass
  • 207.02 Doubles One-up Five-Down
  • 207.03 Team
  • Figure 1 - Multi-Use Consecutives Scorecard

201. Interpretation

The ultimate interpretation of the letter and spirit of the following rules shall be the responsibility of the tournament director and/or the head judge of the contest.

202.01. General 

The playing area may be of any surface. If indoors, it is recommended that there is overhead clearance of at least 6 feet. The players should be a reasonable distance apart, so as not to interfere with other players. If outdoors, the playing area should be flat, free of obstructions and holes, and afford reasonable player safety.

202.02. Spectator Control 

The entire playing area shall be separated from the spectators by lines or rope to prevent unnecessary interference of play.

203.01. Footbags 

Footbags used in regulation footbag consecutive must adhere to the limits set forth in Article 1, section 107.01.

203.02. Counter Device 

Counter devices are recommended for counting of all rallies. The counter device should count in increments of one.

203.03. Stop Watch 

Stop watches should have the ability to measure time to one-hundredth of a second. It is recommended that all rallies be timed.

204.01. Legal Kicks 

The player must kick the footbag; delays or stalls are not allowed. A continuous striking motion is considered a kick. A player cannot use any structure or object to support himself when kicking. If the footbag contacts a surface other than the player (e.g.., the wall or ceiling) it is a foul and considered as a drop.

204.02. Upper Body 

No upper body contact is allowed. Upper body contact is defined as any contact above the waist line of the player, including any contact with clothing or other equipment worn by the player. Players and judges are required to call upper body fouls.

204.03. Hand Serve 

The player must begin each rally with a hand serve.

204.04. World Records 

World records are only recognized at officially-sanctioned events.

204.05. Time limit between rallies 

The time limit between rally attempts will be determined by the tournament director.

204.06. Interference 

If the tournament director determines that a player's rally has been unfairly interrupted, then the player can redo the rally starting at zero.

204.07. Noise Control 

The playing area should be free of any noise which could distract the players. Music during play will be determined by the tournament director after consultation with the players.

204.08. Number of Rallies 

The number of rallies per person or team will be determined by the tournament director, using the following guidelines: Novice 3 to 5; Intermediate 2 to 3; Advanced 1 to 2.

204.09. Assigning Counters and Timers 

The tournament director is responsible for choosing the counters and timers.

204.10. Counters' Responsibilities 

A counter is responsible for counting only, unless otherwise specified by the tournament director.

204.11. Judges' and Players' Responsibilities 

Judges and players are responsible for calling upper body fouls, drops, or kicking pattern violations. The judge's call is final.

204.12. Video Verification 

Video recordings may be used to verify scores.

205.01. Singles 

A.  Play: One player attempts to keep the footbag airborne as long as possible. All general rules (204) apply.
B.  Scoring: Each kick counts as one point.
C.  End of Rally:: A rally ends when the footbag touches the ground or an upper body foul occurs.

205.02. Doubles 

A.  Play: Two players attempt to keep the footbag airborne as long as possible. No player is allowed more than 25 consecutive kicks before passing the footbag. All general rules (204) apply.
B.  Scoring: Each kick counts as one point.
C.  End of Rally: A rally ends when the footbag touches the ground, an upper body foul occurs, or one player contacts the footbag more than 25 times consecutively.

205.03. Doubles One-Pass 

A.  Play: Two players attempt to keep the footbag airborne as long as possible. Players are allowed only one kick to execute the pass. All general rules (204) apply.
B.  Scoring: Each kick counts as one point.
C.  End of Rally: A rally ends when the footbag touches the ground, an upper body foul occurs, or one player contacts the footbag more than one time consecutively.

206.01. Timed Singles 

A.  Play: One player attempts to kick the footbag as many times as possible within a pre-determined amount of time (suggested five minutes). Players are required to alternate legs on each kick; failure to alternate feet is a foul (see 208). Only one footbag may be used during the entire time of a single rally. All general rules (204) apply.
B.  Start of rally: The rally starts with a hand serve at the start of the timer; allowing the footbag to leave the hand before notice of the start of the timer is a foul. The player continues, but is penalized (see 206.01-D).
C.  Handling of fouls: If the player commits a drop or a foul (early start foul, upper body contact foul, or non-alternating foul), the player continues, but is penalized (see 206.01-D).
D.  Scoring: Each kick counts as one point. The deduction for an early start foul is 10 points. The deduction for each drop or upper body foul is 10 points. The deduction for each non-alternating kick is 3 points.
E.  World Record Consideration: A rally must be clean of any fouls to be considered for a world record. Videotape recordings are required to verify all world records due to the difficulty of counting timed consecutive, and to clarify any questions about fouls.
F.  End of Rally: A rally ends when the predetermined time period has elapsed.

206.02. Timed Doubles One-Pass 

A.  Play: Two players attempt to kick the footbag, using one-pass rules (205.03), as many times as possible within a pre-determined amount of time (suggested 10 minutes). All general rules (204) apply.
B.  Start of rally: The rally starts with a hand serve at the start of the timer. Allowing the footbag to leave the hand before notice of the start of the timer is a foul. The players continue, but are penalized 20 points at the end of the rally.
C.  Scoring: Each kick counts as 1 point.
D.  End of Rally: A rally ends when the footbag touches the ground, an upper body foul occurs, a player contacts the footbag more than one time consecutively, or when the specified time period has elapsed (whichever comes first).
E.  World Record Consideration: A rally must be clean of any fouls to be considered for a world record. Videotape recordings are required to verify all world records due to the difficulty of counting timed consecutive, and to clarify any questions about fouls.

207.01. Doubles Distance One Pass 

A.  Play: Two players pass the footbag across a 10 ft. distance as many times as possible. One kick is allowed to return the footbag to the other player. All general rules (204.01) apply.
B.  Playing Field: Two parallel lines 10 ft. apart define the playing field. The lines should be at least 20 ft. long to allow for lateral movement. The lines should be at least 2 wide for good visibility.
C.  Scoring: One point is awarded for each kick. The best rally of three attempts shall be a team's score.
D.  Initiating Rally: The rally begins with a hand toss from one player to the other.
E.  Line Foul: Touching a line or touching the ground beyond a line is a foul and ends the rally.
F.  End of Rally: A rally ends when a drop, upper body foul, or line foul occurs.

207.02. Doubles One-up Five-Down 

A.  Play: Two players attempt to keep the footbag airborne as long as possible. Players start by kicking one time each, then two times, three times, and working up to five kicks each. Upon reaching five, players work back down to one using the same system. All general rules (204.01) apply.
B.  Scoring: Each kick counts as one point. Players are scored on the total number of kicks and how many continuous rounds they can complete (i.e. 1,2,3,4,5,4,3,2,1 is scored as one round).
C.  End of Rally: A rally ends when the footbag touches the ground, an upper body foul occurs, or a player breaks the 1-Up-5-Down pattern.

207.03. Team 

A.  Play: Three or more players attempt to keep the footbag airborne as long as possible. No player is allowed more than 5 consecutive kicks before executing a pass. All general rules (204.01) apply.
B.  Scoring: Each kick counts as one point.
C.  End of Rally: A rally ends when the footbag touches the ground, an upper body foul occurs, or one player contacts the footbag more than 5 times consecutively.
 Counter: A person who has the responsibility of counting a player's rally.
 Counter Device: A device which assists the counter in counting a player's rally.
 Early Start Foul: An early start foul occurs when the footbag leaves the player's hand before the official start of the timer. An early start foul should be noted by counters, but not called until the end of the rally.
 Non-Alternating Foul: In Timed Singles rallies, any time two consecutive kicks are taken with the same leg / foot. When three kicks in a row are taken with the same leg, that would be counted as two non-alternating fouls. Any two kicks separated by a drop or upper body foul are not consecutive, therefore cannot be considered for assessing a non-alternating penalty.
 Rally: A player's group of kicks, starting at one and ending on a foul, drop, or predetermined time period.
 Timer: A person who has the responsibility of timing a player's rally.
 Upper Body Foul: An upper body foul occurs when the footbag contacts the player's body or player's clothing above the player's shorts waist line.

Figure 1 - Multi-Use Consecutives Scorecard

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